Anyone hear anything about their being "New Light" on the FDS class? I've heard that it's 2-3 years down the pike, but that the "New Light" will greatly alter their role........Is this some "dukie" in the rumor mill or is there something to it?
New Light on FDS?
by Black Man 16 Replies latest jw friends
Can you elaborate on what is going to change?
Black Man
Nothing other than the FDS can also include non-annointed ones or whoever God chooses to use.
I was grabbing a quick bite to eat with a friend with family in Bethel. He said some kind of big news was a-rumblin' up there, but they couldn't wrangle it out 'em. We speculated a few things (How 'bout some 'Other Sheep' on the GB, or maybe just dropping the rheteric and putting a picture of the GB on a WT with the caption: ' We Are God' :-). Anyway, had no idea it had anything to do with the FDS. Hmmm... Interesting. Was there anything like that talked about at the conventions? (those that have taken place, that is. I'm in Dallas where they're early this year).
They may all be dead by that time!
You mean it's not Pastor Russell anymore? Apostate!!
Black Man
I heard that it wasn't going to be on the convention but rather something a little down the road. I guess they have to prep the stepford children for the bombshell.........if it's true that is..........
I have no iside info at all, and this is news to me.
But I do wonder if they will have to admit that the FDS has still not been appointed over the master's belongings.
Matthew 24:45-47 mentions that "on his arriving" the master appoints the slave, with whom he is well pleased, over his belongings. At Matttew 25:31, Jesus is spoken of as "arirving in his glory". The WTS recently (1998 I believe) moved the date of the arrival of Jesus at matthew 25:31 to a time yet future, instead of 1914. They now associate it with the time that Jesus takes his seat in judgement over mankind and judges the sheep and goats.
If the term "arriving" at Mathew 24:46 (Literally "having come" - NWT footnote) has the same meaning in time as "arrives" at Matthew 25:31, then perhaps, and this is totally a guess, then maybe the FDS will move the time of their being apointed over the Master's interests to a future date.
But given that they are old and dying off, I doubt they would make such a change; it would not seem to make sense from their standpoint.
The plain truth is that any change would be done due to what is practical, not what is Biblical. The WTS has never put Biblical ahead of "practical."
Also, the plain truth is that the "anointed" are either 1) ancient beyond ancient, or 2) younger and absolutely crazy.
They either have to stick with their "anointed" men run the show bullshit and be faced with selecting someone older than dirt, or someone who is a "replacement" who belongs in lock-up OR picking from a larger batch of non-anointed and cooking doctrine to excuse that away.
They'll take the latter position. After all, it's only practical. It's not "Biblical" by their very-own definition, but then again, they can change that position with a stroke of a pen and the braindead dubbies will go along. And they will believe this is "light."
Everyones annointed but some are more annointed than others.