What happened in France?

by ignored_one 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • ignored_one


    Just wondered about this. What happened in France 2 or 3 years ago that led to that campaign they had? Was it the tax issue, something else or a bit of both?

    I remember hearing about it but didn't look into it.


    Ignored One (Iggy).

  • Celia

    Yes, the tax issue. The Society owed the French Government, (I forgot the number, a huge one,) in taxes...

  • ignored_one

    So nothing else like the blood issue?

    Is it true they are closing the French branch office?


    Ignored One, (Iggy).

  • Celia

    I may be able to find something about that... Charles Chasson... Where are you ?

    The French decided that the JWs were not a religion but a sect, and as such, no tax exemption...

    Vive la France !

  • dungbeetle

    I heard they are closing the French office, and everything will be operated out of another country. Chasson checks in on Monday mornings I think; (sunday night to all of us here in 'da states') I would love an update myself. His last post on the matter said that France was considering letting JW's be a religion as they 'appeared to be softeing their attitude regaring shunning and blood and voting and alternative military service.' --HAH!!!

    Some updated contact info would be nice. I used to write the French office once a month, sending them alll the good JW stuff like the Bryant and Longo situations.

  • Panda

    Hey...does anyone know where this action has gone. I know that the case was decided but have there been any appeals? Did the WTS pay the back taxes?

    Wasn't there a state case in Russia about jws causing deaths?

  • joeshmoe

    I know they're running most of their French operations out of the English branch. What would it take to get them taxed in Germany? That's their primary publishing branch in Europe. I'd love to see them scamble to fill that hole!

  • Farkel

    When there is $60,000,000 in back taxes and penalties, the WTS will fight to the last. This issue could take years, but just imagine the interest the society is making off that $60,000,000 until the matter is finally decided. They society could easily rake in over $2,000,000 in interest on that money before the matter is decided.

    Insurance companies fight claims to the bitter end for the very same reason. Then again, Insurance companies don't claim to speak for Jehovah God himself, though, do they?


  • JamesG

    The fine, brave French Brothers and sisters stood on the roofs of Volkswagon Bugs, and Shouted,


    (the actual proclamation they used) you can practice in your driveway, atop of your car using heavy french accent. COOL.!!!


  • chasson

    Well, well.

    To make simple.

    There were in 1996 a work's accident in the french's bethel so the french's social security (URSAFF) found at this time they don't pay the social security's tax. This is illegal. The french's branch was obliged to pay 10,3 millions of francs (1.5 millions of dollars)

    After that the french's IRS has made a control. They found that the french's JW don't declare the benefits of their interest. They were obliged to pay 7,3 millions of francs (1 millions of dollars)

    We have by this two incident the clear proof that the french's JW organisation fraud.

    Now for the last and biggest problem resulting from the control of the french's IRS, i have no clear opinion on it. It seems that it is the law, but law is dangerous for all the others association in France and i hope sometimes that JW's will win the case, even if they will said after that Jehovah protect them.



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