Actually- I think NONE of those guys you mentioned - has any hold anymore on what this current GB decides or does. Rutherford, Knorr, and Franz are all deceased and are considered " old or deceased " light by this current GB of Anthony Morris III, Stephen Lett, and the other current hooligans.
I mean look at how MUCH has changed in the last 5 or so years since the " old guard " GB died. They did away with home Book Study arrangements, put in ATM contribution machines at District Conventions, They totally changed the " generation " teaching to an overlapping generation of " two or multiple " generations before the alleged " Armageddon " comes. They've started which is an absolute clamoring for power through greed with Stephen Lett beckoning rank & file JW's for money. Lett came on defending their policies regarding child abuse claiming that ex-JW's are lying when they say the WT leaders protect pedophiles calling it " ridiculous ". They've taken over complete ownership of the Kingdom Halls away from local jurisdictions of congregation members. They even play Sparlock cartoons and release cartoons as District Convention releases in order to further manipulate and mind control the Witnesses.
Actually- I feel these current Governing Body members are even MORE audacious and have more gall than the old guard in being arrogant, self promoting, and narcissistic claiming to be God's " special agents ". I mean- look at it- WT leaders even refused to hand over child abuse information to the courts as requested and received a 13.5 million $$$$$ lawsuit fine slapped against them for refusing to cooperate with the courts of the land. I mean- how arrogant or how low will these current batch of GB members go ? I think there is NO level of depth these depraved monsters will not go to - in order to keep the financial wheels of this 136 year old WT Society organizational scam going. They have no conscience. The organization and it's financial shareholders are run by sociopathic liars and con men. Enough said