Things are gettn interestinger and interestinger every day.
On the international scene any number of scenarios can serve as triggers to set off WWIII, or the tribulation, whatever you may prefer to call it. The next cross-border atrocity by rogue militants could easily detonate a conflagration between nuclear-poised India and Pakistan. And of course the Middle East is a tinderbox merely waiting the necessary spark to explode into ultra violence with dire regional and earth-wide ramifications. Ominously, officials now concede that in all likelihood terrorists are already in possession of pack-pack nuclear weapons from the hundred, or so, missing from the Soviets arsenal. In the US a dirty bomb plot has just recently been foiled.
Of note, the would-be bomber apparently being a US Hispanic citizen indicates that the world is much more dangerous than anyone would like to believe. Underlying the demons obvious relentless drive to initiate a global holocaust is the ongoing collapse of the physical economy, which is causing the whole system to become extremely unstable. Kingdom come or not, time appears to be about up for this present system of things. Of course, factoring in the metastasizing apostasy and the general malaise within the organization it is evident that Jehovahs judgment is imminent.
Like a mighty man Jehovah himself will go forth.
Like a warrior he will awaken zeal.
He will shout, yes, he will shout a way cry;
Over his enemies he will show himself mightier
/ You Know
Edited by - You Know on 10 June 2002 14:29:40
Edited by - You Know on 10 June 2002 14:33:46