Weird Origami performed on a $20 Bill

by Tallyman 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tallyman


    NOT jW-related.


    Slow day.

    But, I saw this a few minutes ago, after hearing someone
    mention it last nite on radio when I was in the throes
    of my Insominianity...

    I've experimented with Origami, or the art of paper folding,
    and it was fun. Made a few birds, and not a half-bad looking Swan, once.

    But, here someone "saw" something in an American Twenty dollar bill,
    and folded it to bring out the image...
    that of the 2 World Trade Center Towers, and the morning they
    were attacked by the terrorists using hijacked jetplanes.

    In this image, you can "see" the "impact" on the North Tower,
    in relatively the same position it was actually hit,
    and the same goes for the South Tower, (impact lower down)
    and compare this image with the all the photographs seen in media
    from this vantage point of the burning towers,
    with even the wind directing the drift of the "smoke"
    as seen in this folded paper money...

    So, what do YOU "see"?

    No point to be made.

    Just something weird,
    and I had to keep writing and you reading
    until the large image file, loaded, below:


    LOve, Tallyman

  • ashitaka

    I just think that the guy who thought of this had too much time on his hands.


  • bonovox

    Or was puffing on a huge pipe.

  • Dutchie

    Gee, that's really remarkable, Tallyman. But I can't see the image to clearly. Could you please take a few of those bills, make the fold and send them to me so that I can get a real good look? Thanks.

  • dubla

    someone in my office showed me that last week.....flip it over and its supposed to look like the burning pentagon (behind the white house) on the other side.


  • Billygoat

    Origami is a pretty cool art. Weird. I just bought a book last night on origami. Was thinking of having cranes hanging from strings from the ceiling at the reception. In Japan, cranes are a symbol of happiness.

  • LizardSnot

    My oldest daughter showed me that trick.

    I could tell immediately what it was...freaked me out


  • Scully

    Wow, Tallyman that is very cool.


    That's a fantastic idea to have the cranes as decorations at your wedding. One of my friends has a pair of earrings that her husband made for her - tiny paper cranes - they are so delicate and beautiful!

    By the way, my daughters and I enjoy doing origami - we borrow books from the library to try new designs. My eldest daughter - she's 10 - made a bouquet of origami flowers for me for Mother's Day. Both of them love making dioramas using origami figures that they've made.

    Love, Scully

  • zev

    my thoughts when i first saw this a few weeks back?....

    some guy at a bar had a long night ahead of him, and came up with that.

    that and a LOT of budweiser and Jack Daniels.

    trust me j.d. always wins my fights with him.


  • larc

    Hey Tally,

    That origami thing on the twenty? It looks like some parsley on top of corn silos to me. But, hey, I have no imagination. Well, maybe I do, after all, parsley is a pretty imaginative image.

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