Oh joy of joys! Thank God this last weekend is over. What a complete waste of a good weather weekend. Three new pubs out, one each day. THE coolest looking tract ever printed was released on Sunday. You can tell they went all out on the paper and ink --- very glossy, like a photo almost. Nothing new on the seafront in terms of 'new light' being made known, or tacking, as some like to call it in Borglyn. There was one talk that caught my attention though......that was the baptism talk.
I had brought my digital recorder, but turned it off for this particular talk. (I mean, come on, how often do you hear anything of value in this talk?) About halfway through, the speaker begins talking about the organization and our dedication to Jehovah. He specifically mentions, and I QUOTE word for word(I ingrained it into my memory):
Our dedication is not to the organization, but rather, it is only to Jehovah God.
Jourles scrambling for the recorder after hearing this! I could not believe my ears for what he just said. No way. Did he just say what I thought he said?? He said a few sentences later,
And always remember that our dedication is to God and never to man.
Right then and there, I nudged my wife and told her that there may be different baptismal questions being asked this year. With those two statements by the speaker I was sure that AT LEAST the second question was going to be different. My wife asked me why I thought that. I just replied, "Just wait until the two questions are asked - and listen carefully to the second one."
The talk began winding down. The two questions were asked. You guessed it. No change. I glanced at my wife to get her reaction. She just slightly closed her eyes with a thinking look and said that she was "going to have to look that up when we get home." We have not discussed it since we have been back from the assembly.
Has anyone else been to the assembly yet this year and heard the same thing? I would be curious to know if the talk was a word for word outline, or if the speaker had fudge room for his own comments. BTW, the talk was given in Pontiac, MI if anyone else was there........