My JW husband gets so mad because I do the holidays and then tell him they have no religious meaning to me whatsoever. That being the case, he cant accuse me of celebrating pagan rituals either. LOL! I have three young kids, and I dragged them to meetings for their whole lives until 97. Im determined to give them as full a life as possible even if it is all by myself. We have a ball. I feel bad for my husband because I see no joy in him...gosh no joy in one of Jehovahs Happy People? No preparadasaic euphoria? Say it aint so.
Hes determined to remain a JW til he dies. My guess is his heart will break.
"My task is to bear witness to the truth. For this was I born for this I came into the world, and ALL who are not deaf to truth listen to my voice" - Jesus before Pilate, John 18:37