Have you out-grown playing pranks?

by noidea 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • noidea

    My daughter was on my PC and I was still signed into my IM. I was trying to take a nap. Anyway, a fellow member of this board ..who shall remain nameless signed in on IM and my daughter told them I was napping, This then made me a prime target for a prank.. My daughter (age 13) entered my room (I wasn't asleep yet).. .being the sweet one that she is when she raised my hand I thought how sweet she wants to cover me up. Then I felt no, not a cover being place on me but my hand going into a bowl of warm water. Did it work...Thank God no, it didn't..I wasn't asleep but if I would have been who knows especially after having 2 beers with my dinner. Fellow poster...you owe my daughter $5.00 and you are TOAST!!!!!! So what kind of pranks have you played, still play and with what results?? I feel a pay back coming on. ~Noi~ Member of the: I have ****No~idea**** Class

    Edited by - noidea on 10 June 2002 22:43:40

    Edited by - noidea on 10 June 2002 22:44:39

  • myself

    At a former place of work it was fun to put those mini white poppers (the ones you throw on the ground and they make a loud noise) in the paper shredder. The poor receptionist jumped every time.

    Well behaved women seldom make history.

  • Incoherant

    Worst I've done is cling wrap over the toilet seat.

    I love it, I love it!

  • Cassiline

    Speaking of work related pranks. Empty the contents of your electronic hole punch into someone's umbrella, (hopefully it has not been emptied in quite some time) then close it back up again.

    When the owner of the umbrella opens it up they are "showered" with paper holes. Have pranks that are a little more but this one is funny to me!!!

    Noilove ya sweetie!!! And I would NEVER behave in such a manner! LMAO

  • myself


    I love that one. What a kewl idea. I work with a bunch of guys (poor me ), but I can make it work on a girls nite out. That will go over well after stepping out for drinks

    Well behaved women seldom make history

  • imissthedub

    A few years ago a guy I do business with and consider a friend attended at Motivational Seminar with me. There were about 12 national speakers. Well, the thing sucked. Big time. The same ol same ol...and we walked out mad that we had wasted a day there when we could have worked and made some money instead of spending it.

    So, later the next day I had my husband call this guy at work and use a S L O W southern voice, and stutter. He pretended he was calling him to sell him tapes and workbooks cuz he had attented the Seminar...and my husband kept telling him "Your competition has purchased these and will sell circles around you". He bit, hook...line...and sinker....and was getting so irritated. LOL When he found out it was us the stage was set for years of paybacks.

    Just this weekend we were out of town with some good friends for the weekend. Husband and I were in the vending room getting some popcorn at 2am and came very, very close to going to front desk and saying we were the couple in room 117 (our friends room) and that we wanted a 5am wakeup call. We decided against it though. :)

  • Dawn

    Right after highschool I moved into an apartment with a girlfriend. Her boyfriend snuck in one night with his buddies while we were out - he turned EVERYTHING in the apartment upside down - yep, furniture, TV, stereo, nick nacks, even the pictures were upside down - even switched the mattress & box-springs, remaking the beds so we didn't know it until we layed down. Then he moved everything in our cupboards around and glued the eggs into the egg carton. It was a riot!!

  • JG

    I love pranks,

    For April fools day this year, I filled large garbage bags full of helium and wedged them in among my cans at the curb. So we waited for the poor unsuspecting trash guy to come. When he gets there he grabbed the first can and two bags shot up into the sky, he was kind of dazed watching them float away. The third bag had a hole in it and only floated about 4 ft off the ground, when he saw it floating down the street he chased it down before it got away. When he got back I met him at the truck and told him happy april fools day. He took it really well and laughed along.


  • noidea

    <~~~~~~ROFLMAO..these are some great ones.

    Sean, I would have loved to have seen that!

    <~~~~note to self..don't go out with Karla on a rainy night when it's girl's night out.

    Cass..come on out with the one's.

  • Kismet

    (Jewish accent) You want pranks?? Have I got pranks?!?!?!? I'll give you pranks!!

    Vaseline on the inside door knob of the bathroom.

    Make a Glue strip along the middle of the first ten sheets of toilet paper. re-roll.

    Tightly roll up one or two ketchup packets and place under the stops of the toilet seat.

    Insert and hide a jalepeno seed inside the tube of toothpaste.

    Take Squeeze bottle of shampoo. Unscrew top. Cover with small piece of saran wrap and put the top back on.

    While male (Husband, brother, nephew, friend) is asleep. Lightly paint their nails (toes often work best because they usually won't see it till they put on their socks ) with your brightest nail polish

    Place room temperature whipped cream in their hand. then light tickle the end of their nose with a feather.

    Is that enough to get even with your kids?


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