by D8TA 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • D8TA

    Hello WATCHTOWER MONITORS and people of the's the GAME.

    Somewhere, in the United States, there is going to be an APOSTATE showing up at one of your DISTRICT ASSEMBLIES, he will be sporting a RAINBOW WIG and a JOHN 3:16 sign. INSIDE THE CONVENTION.

    Now now, before apologists and dissents come my way.....I got a protest permit to be on said premis, and also, once I wear the wig and show the soon as they tell me to leave, I will comply...therefore I CANT GO TO JAIL(saaay all you want, I already have an "ace up the sleeve" on this, so guess what? You're wrong if you even think otherwise Hehheheheheh). Trust me people, I've been on this for 3 weeks now and know the rules, and I've got an ace up the old sleeve should anything happen prior to the first warning. Especially for the state it happens in. As long as they warn me to leave, and I comply....nothing will happen to me. If I don't comply then it's off to the slammmer. But the deed will already be done.

    SO! This board knows where I live. If anyone in my area would like to come down to my house, and bring a camera or use one I have, and take pictures of me in the STANDS during and assembly with the attire....send me an E-mail. And no NEWBIES. JWD Veterans only need to reply.

    The race is on.


    P.S. I figure for all doors they can knock on, why can't I go to THEIR assembly and just sit and show a sign for 6 seconds.

  • VioletAnai

    Make sure you give us detailed reactions when this goes down. Personally, I'd luv to see it.

    Why no newbies? Worried they'll defect back to the r&f on the day?

  • xenawarrior


    "Eagles don't flock- they come in one at a time"


  • Reborn2002


    I cannot wait to see pictures of this.

  • TheContagion

    I was seriously considering running up on the stage and mooning the crowd at the convention in my city. However i have rethought it. The WT would want me prosecuted to the full extent of the law. I was ok with this till i interviewed a women about her work experiences as part of my work and she has been going through hell trying to get a job because of her criminal record. I'm not that hard core. I would be ok with some community service or a small fine but i can't afford a criminal record.

  • Marilyn

    Glad to see wisdom has prevailed Contagion. You've already sacrificed enough to them....

  • Simon

    Cool D8TA ... look forward to seeing the pics !

  • dmouse

    To save folks looking it up John 3:16 says:

    "For God loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life."

    I'm a pretty good photographer (semi-prof now) but I live in the UK so that counts me out

    Still. looking forward to the pics!

  • D8TA

    I guess the RAINBOW WIG and John 3:16 sign may throw some people off, who are not familar with U.S. pop-culture. Here in the U.S., at sporting events (Basketball, Football, Baseball, etc.) There is always some person wearing such attire with the sign within the crowd sitting in the stands. ;)


  • Yerusalyim

    TOO COOL, wish I lived in your area D8ta

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