This had to be one of the hardest things to deal with when learning TTATT for me.
It still makes me sad at times. When I look at my wife and realize that she will one day get old, we won't be together forever and that she is not mentally prepared for that. Part of me doesn't want to take that from her. That those close to you who have died, you really wont see again. It's a hard thing to come to terms with when you've been raised your whole life thinking the opposite.
I will say though, I appreciate life 10x more than when I thought I'd live forever. I take things in way more and live more in the moment. I appreciate food more, I appreciate looking at my wife and cherishing the time that I have with her. When I see something beautiful, I really stop and appreciate it.
It's a hidden gem in learning that you will one day die. Thinking I'd live forever, I never took the time to appreciate the small things. Honestly, I see a lot of 80+ JW that just seem so confused. They don't get why the end hasn't come, why they are suddenly finding themselves old with nothing to fall back on. It seems like a very sad way to end your life.
I appreciate that when I am 70, I will have seen it coming and will enjoy my old age. It won't be a shock for me.