I remember in our congregation, there were a few older pioneer sisters who would start counting their time early - even before the service arrangement - by standing at a street corner and holding the magazines up in front of them and hoping that any passersby might stop to take one on their way to work or whatever.
Did any of you ever do something like this? As a fresh, new Dub, I had heard about this "street-witnessing" work, but there was only one time I ever actually saw one of these older sisters doing this. And even then I was shocked and embarrassed for her.... Because this poor old sister was standing there, all by herself, holding up the Watchtower & Awake magazines, yet LOOKING AS SAD AND DEPRESSED AS SHE COULD POSSIBLY EVER LOOK, her whole mouth was turned down just totally sad as she stood there, observing all the "dead" people walking around, hurrying to catch buses, get kids to school, get to work, etc.
And I remember feeling shocked at the way she looked... Her demeanor was so off-putting, and she stood there so mutely, holding up the magazines like they were more important than the Bible (which, to JWs, they are!) and standing still as a statue to boot.
I could not believe that this was "street witnessing"!! What happened to the scriptures about "boldly speaking in the market places", etc? She looked like a parody from a bad movie set. Yet I later learned that this was how it was done, so that people wouldn't complain about being approached or "solicited"...
It never made sense to me, especially after all the court cases we had supposedly won about our right to preach and defend the good news, blah blah blah.
But of course I submerged this unfaithful, disloyal thought. That was about 20-25 years ago. Damn.