Candles and JWs

by badboy 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • badboy

    I wonder how many JWs R aware THAT CANDLES have pagan origins as admitted by Bishop Newman(sp?) in the 19th century?

    Should a faithfull JW have anything to do with candles therefore?

  • Fire Dragon
    Fire Dragon

    JWs don't use candles in ceremonies like weddings. They know they have pagan origins for warding off evil spirits. I know a sister who had candles at her wedding and before the elder that was giving the talk started, he took all of the candles away. He didn't even give her an explanation.

    I don't think that candles in general bother dubs...only the way they can be used.

  • Elsewhere

    It never ceases to amaze me that people believe crap like that. As if a lump of WAX could possibly harbor or attract evil supernatural beings...

    That is so lame.

  • Elsewhere

    Oh, and what gets me even more is that JWs will swear up and down that they are NOT superstitious!

  • SpiceItUp

    So thats why my mother calls me pagan and demonized....Its my huge collection of candles & incense (Although wasn't incense used in "bible" times?)


  • invisible

    What a load of utter codswallop!! I remember this too, even in times of a blackout during the meetings when the candles would be bought out to light the kh, there were mutterings from one or two in the congregation, now torches, they were fine, they ran on environmentally damaging batteries, the torches themselves being made from plastic synthetic materials, obviously evil demons wouldn't want to infect them, they were brand new afterall, but anything 'natural', even yes, wax candles, got demonised. What an absurd bunch of loons, it'd be funny if it wasn't so sad that they actually believe all this stuff, actually, it still is funny, hilariously so.

    Celtic Mark

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    invisible said codswallop!

  • ashitaka

    I would throttle that elder if I had a chance. That girl probably always wanted candles at her wedding, and that is probably one of the uncomfortable things she remembered from that day. What a shit that elder was.


  • gsx1138

    This is so funny. You are correct Elsewhere, I remember getting into discussions when I was a JW about how superstitious other religions were. We would laugh at people who said 'bless you' when you sneezed or the ones who would knock on wood. I never knew about this one though. Although, between my candles, incense, and loads of Wiccan books everywhere I think my mother can figure out my beliefs.


    the thing that gets me as blatent spiritual abuse is the org. telling you what these things mean. I had candles at my wedding...and did not even have a thought of "spirits". As a matter of fact I did not even know about the origin of them. I FRUSR8TS me that they tell there people what it means rather than let them decided what it means for THEM. To me...Halloween is nothing more than the kids gettin dressed up and haveing fun...I (nor my kids) dont care about the origins. that's not what it means to us! Haveing an american flag up is not "worshiping" my government! and haveing pride in your country is NOT wrong either...I'm sure we all have pride in our homes...otherwise they are disgusting stinky messes. That is the kind of pride I have. If I were a witness though, I would not be able to make that choice...the BORG would tell me what it means to me and that's it!......SOMEBODY SLAP THESE FOLKS AND WAKE THEM UP!!!

    OK thanks....feel better now....:)


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