Original Sin For Dummies - Part II

by Farkel 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Farkel

    Original Sin For Dummies showed that man's imperfection and misery via the Adam & Eve story had to come about due to Gods messing up our genes. But that's not the whole story. God had a whole passel of gene messing up to do after he messed up humans genes in Eden. Fast forward to about the time of the flood and let's listen in while God and his helpers do their strategy planning:

    God: Well, I'm just about ready to bring on the worldwide flood and kill everybody! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Helpers: You are such a prankster God! But we've got another problem we need to deal with, God.

    God: Yeah? What is that?

    Helpers: After the flood you've got to mess up the genes in tens of thousands of animals.

    God: Why do I have to do that?

    Helpers: Because in about 4,000 years some two-bit Cult is going to claim you did that and they are also going to claim that they speak in your name through your personal direction and they are the only ones on earth representing you.. You don't want to have your reputation ruined by making them wrong, do you?

    God: I guess you're right. What do I have to do?

    Helpers: Well, this religion is going to claim that NO animals were carnivores before the flood, and after the flood, due to man's screwing up everything, YOU made many of them into carnivores.

    God: Why-in-the-hell would they ever made such a stupid claim?

    Helpers: As we said God, they are a two-bit Cult!

    God: I see. But the animals are all doing fine as they are. After all, we have the Cheetahs and Lions with three stomachs and flat teeth for chewing the cud, and I built them to run especially fast. In fact they are so fast, no bale of straw or hayfield could ever outrun them.

    Helpers: Do you want this two-bit Cult to made you look bad, God?

    God: I guess not. You've got a point there. Ok, let's get to work. Give the cats big fangs and re-work their genes so they can only survive by eating meat. Make sure their poop is really stinky too, will you?

    Helpers: We'll get right on it.

    God: Now what about snakes? Men are already afraid of snakes because of what happened in Eden. I especially liked the part where I ripped off their legs and made em slide on their bellies. Did you see that big dump Eve took when she saw me do that? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    God: Hey, I've got a great idea. Let's make some of those snakes deadly poisonous and leave the others the way they are. It'll probably take thousands and thousands of those dumb humans dying of snake bites before they finally figure out which ones are poisonous and which arent. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! While you're at it, make some of the sea snakes poisonous too. Musn't forget those stupid humans who go for swims, you know. Oh yes, and make snakes eat animals live that are MUCH bigger than the diameters of their bodies. That will share the crap out of people when they see those bodies all distended.with the prey still wiggling around in those snakes! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    God: Speaking of the water, we've got to have more carnivores other than just sea-snakes. Give those kelp-eating sharks I made some really sharp teeth, no, make that three SETS each of sharp teeth and make them capable of eating anything, including man.

    Helpers: Gotcha, God.

    God: Let's see now. Kids like to play with frogs, so make some of them poisonous carnivores. Better yet, make some frogs that can kill you by simply touching their skin. Gotta keep those kids in line.

    Helpers: What about bugs? Do you want to make any bugs poisonous carnivores?

    God: Yes, we really should. Didn't I make a bug that sucks straw through a long sucker?

    Helpers: Yes, God. Its called a mosquito.

    God: Yeah, that's it: a mosquito. Well, make the mosquitoes so they land on creatures and suck out their blood, and make sure those mosquitoes are capable of giving fatal diseases to their victims. Hey, I've got a GREAT idea! Only make the FEMALES the ones who do the damage. Do the same with some of the spiders. That way, men can blame females for all their problems because we all know it was Eve's fault in the first place. Adam would have never done any wrong if I hadn't given him a bitch to hang around with.

    Helpers: Is there anything else, God?

    God: Come to think of it, yes. All these predators we're going to make can be seen with the naked eye. Sooner or later man is going to identify them all and avoid them. Sure, it'll take millions and millions of deaths before they figure it out, but eventually they will figure it out, so I've got another neat idea.

    Helpers: Whats that, God?

    God: Lets make some kick-ass viruses!

    Helpers: You're such a prankster, God!


    Edited by - Farkel on 13 June 2002 17:35:3

  • Xander

    I come here for some of Farkel's satirical wit, and see this:

    Being edited.....

    You big tease!

  • Celia

    Where is part 1 then ?

  • Celia

    Here it is ! You are so creative ! Love it, makes me smile.

  • SpiderMonkey


    That was hysterical, Farkel! I enjoyed this even more than the 'nasty case of diarrhea for a coupla weeks' remark on the first post There were some awesome points in that one, on a subject that I pondered & asked elders about on my way out; you filled in some very relevant details on my own doubts about the whole 'God doesn't punish the son for the father's sin, so why exactly am I going to get old & die, thanks to Adam' issue. The DNA implications of the JW view are so self-contradictory I'm amazed I never thought of it before; mad props for your humorous & thoughtful take on this.

    Keep up the good work, bro!


    Make sure their poop is really stinky too, will you?
  • Farkel


    : The DNA implications of the JW view are so self-contradictory I'm amazed I never thought of it before;

    I remember in 1964 when my High School biology teacher discussed the then-new information on DNA and RNA in class. He mentioned that they were the "building blocks of life."

    Even so, the Watchtower Society, under "Jehovah's Loving Guidance(tm)" continued to remain about forty to fifty years behind science. It was true 120 years ago in Russel's day, and it remains true to this day in the areas of science that adversly affect their pet doctrines.

    I was hoping that thinking dubs (normally an oxymoron) would see the absolute absurdity of Jehovah completely re-working the genes of countless thousands of animals and insects to make them vicious predatory killers and carnivores simply because 1) Adam and Eve screwed up,then he killed them, or 2) The Noachian folks screwed up, so he killed them.

    What in the hell did those animals do to deserve that, anyway? Why should countless billions of animals die painful deaths at the hands of their predators because MAN screwed up?

    Once people can see that the Bible is full of bullshit, it's not a hard leap of logic to figure out that a religion which claims all of its beliefs are SOLELY based upon the Bible is also bullshit.


  • Jewel

    My kids like to play a game that I call (privately and only in my head) "Baiting Grandma".

    Goes like this-

    Kid: Look at this neat dinosaur (model, skeleton, book, fill-in-the-blank). Isn't it cool? Did you learn about dinosaurs when you were in school?

    Grandma: No, we didn't know very much about them when I was in school.

    Kid: But don't you think they're interesting?! And just think they lived millions of years ago...

    Grandma: But, dear, they can't be millions of years old. The Bible says....

    At which point she starts to try to explain "...a day with Jehovah", and "weeks of years" and why our dating methods aren't reliable and why Jehovah created dinosaurs and how they died in the the flood.

    Kid: But, Mom read to us about the flood in the Bible. God told Noah to take every kind of animal into the ark. If the dinosaurs were still alive, why didn't he have them in the ark. The Bible doesn't say that God said to leave out the dinosaurs.

    Another Kid: You couldn't get a Seismosaurus in the ark.

    Yet Another Kid: The Seismosaurs lived in the Jurassic, they didn't live anywhere close to the end of the dinosaurs. Now the T Rex lived toward the end of the dinosaurs. If Noah had some of all the living animals in the ark, he would have had to have at least a couple T Rex.

    First Kid: Yeah, sort of like that ship on Jurassic Park II!!!

    Another Kid: No, that T. Rex KILLED all the people on the ship. If the Bible was true, the T. Rex couldn't have killed Noah-I guess to be on the ark they would have eaten plants

    Yet Another Kid: With those teeth! Those teeth are carnivorous

    Grandma: --tries to explain how dinosaurs fit creation--fails...tries to change the subject fast.

    My Mom also was along with us one an excusion when my daughter was reading in the van. She asked dd what she was reading and the answer was The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin. THAT was an interesting discussion.

    I get alot of homeschool catalogs and the ones that come from religious publishers often include a section on Creation Science. My daughter always says, "Now THERE'S an oxymoron..."

  • larc

    up top

  • BeautifulGarbage
    In fact they are so fast, no bale of straw or hayfield could ever outrun them.



  • SYN

    SPOT ON!

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