Do you at present have comprehensive health ins? If not, you have to look hard at this. Jobs that offer health ins for you and your family are becoming more and more rare. There is no place left for companies to cut expenditures.
My dad recently retired and the ins benefits were about 30% above and beyond his salary. Like getting a 30% raise. His whole family. Eye, teeth, medical, the works. He priced just basic med ins for he and my mom. With their age; $265. EACH. Not incl dentist, eye, etc. I told him forget that and made him and my mom employees in my company and got them in for 1/4 that.
Also, do either one of these companies provide pension? Matching 401k? Guess what else is going to belly up? Social security and medicare. Prepare yourself now. If it wasnt for my $$$ shrewd JW in name only grandma, my hard core JW grandfather would be eating dog food and living under a bridge. That is not an overstatement.
Lots to consider. See if Boss #1 will match Boss #2. Dont mention any names. And when Boss #1 asks why you might want to leave, tell him, more money. Everybody understands that.
"Money may not be God; but try and live without it" -L. Holmes. Ex. heavyweight champ