The Watchtower is simply a tool to help Bible students study many fine topics of the Bible since it has everything to do with the Bible. It is an aid and is backed up BY the Bible. As a congregation it is shared and first read in advance. Then it is disected
The Watchtower is dissected? Wow! You mean that the procedure for the Watchtower Study has been changed to an actual discussion format?
The "studies" I remember were an hour long (I think the time might have been shortened on this), and anyone who paraphrased a little too much was asked to keep their comments short so that the "study" could finish on time.
I also remember that anyone who strayed too far from the actual verbiage in the paragraph was cautioned not to swerve from the Society's thoughts on the matter.
I agree, dissecting Watchtowers is what apostates do! You want to be careful!
My main point was that you only have to look through the history of You Knows posts to see that he places a special emphasis or uniqueness on every news worthy event. He sufferes from memory loss. But I don't. I remember being a Witness and hearing of events back in the 70s and 80s that would make my adrenaline pump and my mouth water at the thought of God's coming vengence and all his wonderful destruction which was about to come, when all the nations would know the name Jehovah, at which time it would be too late. I can almost feel the sickening excitement now. And all those events were unique back then too, just as it has been for generation after generation of young witnesses since the 1800s, constantly thinking their news headlines were pre-empting the great tribulation. Poor souls. Think of those who lived in World War One who ACTUALLY THOUGHT IT WAS THE END. Do you not think THEY thought those were unique events?
Lets see some more understanding on the matter at hand with the topic. And since your done reading the Bible since it is 2k years old. Not too old for something that lives forever. Read it again without thinking you are going to Hellfire or Heaven.
The present situation will be old soon so try to keep up.
And since your done reading the Bible since it is 2k years old. Not too old for something that lives forever. Read it again without thinking you are going to Hellfire or Heaven.
You don't get the point do you? My point is, the end han been near ever since the bible was written, probably berfore that too.
I don't believe for one second that you are a witness. If you were, why are you here then?
The same questions were asked in Nazi Germany in 1939, in
1917, 1914 etc.
How on earth can you compare the antics of a few terroists, the threat of war in the East or Sept 11th with Nazi Germany? This statment just shows your complete ignorance as to what actually happened in the holocaust.
There is nothing happening now which can even compare to that.
I would have to say that I am a Witness since I am still baptized and not trying to stay on the fence. I am not trying to make Jehovah's people look like they are the ones in the dark. Plus I have had many scriptures along with the topics that are being discussed here, using the Watchtower Library.
I guess all are not welcome here. And you are all watchers of the watchtower pointing out some differences that do not fit your lifestyle.
Every Kingdom Hall has a door you can walk out of.