JWD is officially an Apostate site!

by Elders_Kid 31 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Prisca

    Blondie does have a point....

    We shouldn't generalise. Some ex-jws were disfellowshipped for paedophelia, and other sex-crimes. So you're not even safe amongst ex-jws!

  • teenyuck

    At least it is official....I am an Apostate!!!

    Bethel Coach Tours must not realize that....I got an e-mail from them....I did NOT put my e-mail or any information on their web site.

    Here is the e-mail to me:

    Save Address(es) BlockPrevious Next | Close
    From :
    Bethel Coach Tours < [email protected]>
    Reply-To :
    [email protected]
    To :
    You know who
    Subject :
    Oh My! I Like This One, and This One, and.....
    Date :
    Thu, 13 Jun 2002 22:41:57 -0400 (EDT)
    Reply Reply All Forward Delete Printer Friendly Version
    The Challenge is to Choose Just One!!!.Espanol, Deutsch, Italiano!
    June 14 2002
    Greetings from BCT!

    We've got something for everyone! Does a family vacation to Bethel in NY and Canada while the kids are on school vacation sound good? How about a cruise with other brothers and sisters - one cruise package includes touring bethel? Have you always wanted to go to Europe - especially Rome? Have you been waiting for just the right destination at the right price? Good! Read on!

    in this issue
  • Take a Family Vacation to Bethel During School Break!
  • Bethel Tour PLUS Fall Foilage Cruise!
  • Steamboat Cruise PLUS Caribbean Cruise
  • Visit Branches in Rome, Switzerland, and Germany!
  • More of the World for Less!
  • Bethel Tour PLUS Fall Foilage Cruise!
    Sure, cruising is fun and relaxing and a real treat when enjoyed with other brother and sisters. But tack on a couple of fun filled days with special treats just for Jehovah's Witnesses and then you can enjoy a truly unique vacation that only BCT offers!

    For Instance: How about a tour of bethel in NY including the WEC (Watchtower Education Center) in Patterson and the Watchtower Farm near Wallkill before a breathtakingly beautiful fall foilage cruise up into Nova Scotia.

    Check Out the Details Here...

    Steamboat Cruise PLUS Caribbean Cruise
    Sure, cruising is fun and relaxing and a real treat when enjoyed with other brother and sisters; but to make it even better tack on a get acquanted jazz-supper aboard a steamboat then a Sunday meeting before sailing the Caribbean and that makes it special!

    Full Story....

    Visit Branches in Rome, Switzerland, and Germany!
    There's too much to tell in a e-mail! Call for details! Hey that rhymes! Call 1-800-680-3733 for a full color brochure with all the details!

    Click here for pricing and Itinarary....

    More of the World for Less!
    All prices include R/T Airfare as specified. Includes hotel and breakfast. All are non-guided trips. Prices based on availability.

    R/T Airfare included from NY: 8 Day LONDON $629; 8 Day PARIS $649; 5 Day PRAGUE $749; 5 Day BUDAPEST $779; 8 Day COSTA del SOL $919; 5 Day BARCELONA $799; 7 Day RIO de JANEIRO $719; 5 Day BUENOS AIRES $649.

    R/T Airfare included from LAX: 7 Day TOKYO $849; 7 Day BEIJING $749; 7 Day HONG KONG $839.

    Offered by Go Global Travel in affiliation with BCT. Call Diane or Christina for availability and reservations at 1- 800-680-3733. Open M-F, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mountain Time Zone. Closed Saturday and Sunday.

    Take a Family Vacation to Bethel During School Break!
    In most areas of the USA school is out for summer vacation during July and we have two July Plane trips. One July 6-13 and one July 27-Aug 3. Both also go to the Holocaust and Washington D.C. and the branch in Canada!

    The best vacation on earth for Jehovah's Witnesses is one that includes a Bethel visit. The tours the Bethel brothers arrange for visitors have the potential to change for the better your view of Jehovah, the organization, and your own congregation forever.

    See Prices and Itineraries July 6 Trip here....

    . Quick Links...

    Sign Up for Our Full Color 23 Page Trip Catalog...

    A Little Something About Our NY and Canada Bethel Trips!

    2002 Tour Schedules, Prices, and Itineraries.

    Comments From Past Bethel Travelers!


    More About BCT in Espanol, Deutsch, Italiano, and English!


    Join our mailing list! . email: [email protected]
    voice: 1-800-680-3733
    web: http://www.bethelcoachtours.com
    .This email was sent to [email protected], by Bethel Coach Tours.
    Visit our Subscription Center to edit your interests or unsubscribe.
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    Constant Contact

  • orangefatcat





  • zev

    i better watch my association.


    you know, since leaving the dubs, my association with fine, upstanding, loving, kind people has quadrupled

    at least i hang out with real christians .

    life begins at 40 folks

    hey, wheres my signature?

    Edited by - zev on 14 June 2002 13:31:1

  • JAVA

    Lets start an Apostate Bible Study group. We'll offer free home Apostate-Bible Studies, and converts must go on-line 10 hours a month offering the following link:

    Simon, do we send our report slips to you?

  • RR

    Yep. Daniel Glick is aka DANG on both forums. He's a computer geek from New York City, attends NYU. He doesn't know it, but I knew him when he was still in diapers.

  • Elders_Kid

    RR- Maybe you two could get together sometime... you know, catch up on old times. From what I have heard he is still in diapers though.

    Another thing that bothers me, how does Mr Glick get off calling himself DANG? Isn't that a euphamism? Damn it, I've been stumbled again. And to think that I couldn't join the forum because I came over from an "apostate" site, sheeesh!!


  • hybridous

    Wait a minute...isn't Danny Glick the name of the kid turned into a vampire that floats outside his buddy's window at night? From the Stephen King novel, 'Salem's Lot'?

    Now you'll ask, 'what the hell are you doing even READING Satanic shit like that?'

    I know...I know...I'm sorry....

  • avengers

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