Accident & Emergency = Kid Magnets?

by Simon 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    Coming home from work yesterday and I got a call from Angharad, "Dylan has hurt his arm and won't move it".

    Damn, I hate calls like that. Total inability to do anything other than say 'I'm on my way, I'll be there soon'.

    I had all sorts of images of him with a broken arm, collar bone or something for the 10 minutes it took to get home. And when I did, there he was looking very miserable and sorry for himself. Keeping very still with a pale face. Not the big grin he usually gives me when I get in.

    We gave it 30 minutes to see how he was, tried offering him things to see if he could move his arm but nothing - even chocolate would not budge it.

    Off we went to A&E (Accident & Emergency) at the local hospital.

    When we got to see a doctor, she tried to look at him but moving him even slightly made him scream. She gave us some Calpol to give him and off we went to get X-Ray'd. Liam was really good, offering him the toy car he'd brought, the can of coke he had and being generally concerned.

    Back to A&E with the X-Rays and just before the doctor comes back he starts waving his arm about! It was such a relief to see him 'ok' and we did our best to excuse ourselves from getting the 'neurotic parent of the week' award. It could have been he had dislocated his elbow or something and it had fixed itself when he was thrashing about (because he didn't like the X-Ray).

    He cheered up considerably on the way home and was babbling away and giggling in the car (little sod). We went for something to eat at MacDonalds as we were all starving.

    There must be something about our kids at this age. When Liam was the same age he did the same thing except he kept it up for a lot longer and put on a bigger act. We brought him back from the hospital with his arm strapped up as they were convinced too that it was really hurt and tried to cheer him up by taking him to Toys-R-Us where he got a trolley full of stuff out of us.

    All evening he was looking sorry for himself with his arm in a little sling and then bam - sling comes off and arms wave about for getting ready for bed !

    At lest we're getting better ... we didn't go to Toys-R-Us this time. Isn't it nerve-wracking having kids !


    Hey Simon,I can remember my days in the emergancy ward.Split open heads,broken collar bones ect..I am so happy those days are over.As soon as I get grandchildren I guess it will start all over again.(LOL)I`m happy your wee ones are all right.Dads just don`t need the drama,moms either.(LOL)...OUTLAW

  • ISP

    Hey long were you waiting in A+E? Last time I was there it was 4 hours!


  • Prisca

    The good thing was that at least Dylan wasn't seriously hurt.

    Kids - gotta love em!

  • Simon

    It must have been a quiet night as we were only there 2 hours ... luckily it was early evening instead of later when all the drunks roll in.

  • terafera

    Ugh..Simon, I feel for you. What a heart-wrenching experience.

    I remember when my little boy was about 2..he was running and tripped, smashed the side of his head and came running to me with blood dripping down the side of his face. I rushed him to the emergency room in my pj's and after the nurse cleaned him off she showed me his cut, about 1/4 inch gash in his ear. She chuckled and said something about 'new moms' but I was shaking the whole time.

    Later, telling my sister about it, who has 4 kids, she replied, 'girl, you're crazy! By the time you get to your fourth you just spit on it, wipe away the dirt and send em off again!'


    Glad to hear your son is okay!

  • DakotaRed

    hang in there, Simon. They grow up eventually then all of these moments become fond meories to tell their kids. My daughters already know that I have tons of their incidents stored up to tell my grandsons when they get bigger.

    Glad he wasn't hurt seriously, though. Good thing kids are so resilient and bounce back soon.

  • Marilyn

    My daughter is a first year out intern doctor. Tonight she is heading off at 11pm to work a ten hour shift on A & E. Being a Friday nite, she won't be lucky enough to have nice little kids like yours to deal with - she'll probably end up being vomited over by some drunk. Oh well it was her choice of careers!


  • Silverleaf

    Hi Simon,

    I think they should offer parents sedatives in the ER [A&E]. I've been there with my daughter [fell of a swing at age 3 and cut her lip open - needed exactly ONE stitch] It was a four-hour ordeal and the nurses kept asking me if I needed to sit down. Had to rush my son to the ER with croupe one midnight [he was gasping and refused to wake up] nothing like a ride in an ambulance when you're half asleep and scared to death. And last summer he rode his bike off a retaining wall in our back yard [he took his bike helmet off FIRST though] and got a gash in the back of his head that required staples. [I was more upset than he was]. We've also been there twice when my daughter dislocated her elbow [same symptoms, screaming hysterically, wouldn't move her arm] then 1, 2, 3 it's back in place and it's like nothing happened, except you feel like someone let all the air out of you.

    Unfortunately these are the things nobody warns you about when you have kids.

    I'm glad your son is okay,

    Have a day,


  • waiting

    Got a topper for that one,

    My youngest of 3 kids was about 3 yrs old. He was sitting on the toilet and fell forward - into the sharp edge of the sink surround - making an almost perfect hole in his forehead - rather like Cyclopes. My other kids came running out of the house screaming about this - I took one look and put them all in the car - for the drive to the Emergency Room 15 miles away.

    Actually, he was in no pain - and only realized that something was wrong because people kept gasping when they saw his forehead. After stitches, etc., the nurses chuckled that he kept taking their "tools" away from them to play with them.

    He's now in college for computers (changing to history) and 25. To this day, scar on forehead and all, he denies that he fell of the toilet taking a poop. But, being the family we are, we remind him and any girlfriends he brings our way of what REALLY happened.


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