Why you shouldn't annoy Reborn2002....

by mindfield 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • mindfield

    Only recently, YouKnow accused Reborn2002 of linking a thread of his to a sound file that repeatedly said, "Bullshit". Admittedly, the sound bit was hilarious, but that wasn't the point. YouKnow accused Reborn of being a thug and a goon, one of the reasons being the above. After discovering that he was wrong, YouKnow did the unthinkable: not only did he not excuse himself, but he accused Reborn! Now, being the don't-piss-me-off guy that he is, Reborn took matters into his own hands.

    A sad end for a sad fellow... goodbye, YouKnow... we hardly knew ye.

  • Xander

    And be careful with Mindfield, too.

    Or, he'll photochop you INTO OBLIVION!!!

    PS: m@d sK!Lz d00d!

    Edited by - Xander on 14 June 2002 15:18:36

  • Reborn2002


    Mindfield that IS HYSTERICAL!!!!!

    I agree with Xander, your Adobe Photoshop skills have no equal!

    Thank you Mindfield for the laugh on such a hard day at work.

    Now Im just wondering if YouKnow is going to respond to this somehow thinking I am the one who made these images! LOL

  • mindfield

    Thank you, thank you... *takes a bow*

    Xander, that's a great idea! I'll just wait until he calls me an idiot again, and then I'll have some fun...hehehe...

  • roybatty

    LOL! Now I'm kind of worried about posting my pic here!

  • mindfield

    Roy, as long as you don't call the whole group of posters here "idiots", make repetitive doomsday predictions, or act like an arrogant idiot, you're A-OK.

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    normally, i don't get involved in people's cyberlives, but i just have to say that i looked at reborn's website and have read his posts and to me he seems like the sweetest nicest person, even when someone is as difficult as youknow was. i thought he handled it with real grace and adroitness far beyond his years. besides, he is as cute as a bug!

    'and that's all i have to say about that' - forrest gump

    ~incense and peppermints

  • mindfield


    Just giving Reborn a little graphical help! I know he can handle YK just fine on his own.

  • Imbue

    Never annoy reborn...Well, I wouldn't mind bothering him just a little...

  • Nikita

    Mindfield, that is too funny!

    Reborn, you oughta use that as your profile picture! Or as your signature!


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