Will I Die?

by professor 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    About 15 years ago ... I had a bout with high blood pressure and a minor stroke. My BP at the time was about 200/140 or so ... and people do get higher BP. Borderline is about 140/90. Today, I am at an average of 105 / 55 thanks to some medication and a recent little bout with my ticker. Normal BP for an average man in good health, is about 120/80, which is what my BP has been most of my life.

    The nurse should NEVER have given you any diagnosis ... your BP was not that high. She should have simply finished the exam, and then directed to you see your doctor, and a note of what your BP is. BP changes frequently ... if you go to a drug store that has a BP machine ... and test yourself 10 times in a row, over a 20 to 30 minute period, your BP will have some wide swings ... the Nurse should have had you wait and taken it one more time and noted the reference point. BP is not the sole factor in a physical exam and should not be the governing criteria ... a full physical by your doctor (a licensed MD) should over rule any tests taken by the company nurse.

    Just my knee-jerk opinion,

  • target


    A few years ago my husband had to have a physical for a truck driving job. Every time he went in to the doctor for the blood pressure check it would be real high. When he would check it at home it would be normal. Finally, I had a talk with the doctor about it and what we did was have the nurse right there when my husband walked in the office and took his blood pressure reading the instant he sat down. It was normal. The longer he sat there, the higher it went. It is called "white coat syndrome". My mother-in-law does the same thing. It is harmless. Worrying about it makes the readings high also.


  • Sentinel

    They look at the difference between the two numbers. Being very close together usually is a sign of a problem, but not a death sentence. They like to see a healthy distance between the two figures. Because of genetic makeup, and perhaps not taking good care of ourselves, our BP can be affected and we may not even be aware.

    There are some excellent meds out there. You need to get to your own medical doctor and see what the facts are. You may just need to adjust your diet/and or exercise more.

    Also, excitement can increase BP substantially. I wouldn't worry. But, I'd get it checked out.

    Best Wishes,


  • Elsewhere

    If you suddenly feel a THUMP in your chest followed by an "Oozing " sensation... that is your heart exploding and is time to go to the hospital.

  • professor

    Thanks all. Today I visited my doctor (one of the top ten rated in my state). He said my blood pressure is lower than he has ever seen, and that the nurse's test was probably faulty.

    What a relief!

  • PopeOfEruke


    I just felt a THUMP and an oozing sensation! But it was in my pants....is the the same? will I die?


  • spacegirl

    Make a complaint about the nurse that took your blood pressure for behaving so unprofessionally. I'm sure that will make her blood pressure go up - stupid cow!

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