On another thread someone asked about "the UN thing". I didn't want to hijack that thread, so here is the Reader's Digest Condensed Version.
The "UN thing" in a nutshell:
Acronyms Galore: In 1991 the WTS applied to be a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) associated with the UN's Department of Public Information (DPI). The application was signed by a member of the Governing Body and another Bethel Heavy. The application was approved in 1992.
Supporting the Charter of the Wild Beast: NGOs had to agree to uphold the UN charter, and promote the UN in their literature. They had to reapply every two years and supply proof that they were doing this. (If you look at Awake! magazines from that period, you may notice a softer stance being taken against the UN, and promoting their food and educational programs.)
Here's Betting they won't be quoting The Guardian Anytime Soon: In 2001 a group of rabid apostates found the WTS listed on the UN site and started proclaiming it to the heavens. Some news sources, particularly The Guardian (a London newspaper that the society often quotes) picked up on the story.
New Light: 3.92348 milliseconds after it became public knowledge that the WTS had been whoring with Babylon The Great for a decade, the society wrote to the UN requesting to be dropped from the list.
Plus They Validate Parking!: When asked, the society said they joined the DPI as an NGO to gain access to the Dag Hammarskjld Library--the famed "Library Card" excuse. They later said that the requirements to support the UN were not in place when they applied, but were snuck in some time later (1994 is usually the date they give).
Demon-Possesed Hackers: The average R&F said that none of it was true: Hackers must have broken into the UN website and slipped the WTS into the list
Do a search on this site for UN, or click the stats link and you'll see two UN threads among the most active threads of all time on this board.
[Edit: Can't get the links to work]
Happy reading,
Edited by - hmmm on 15 June 2002 12:58:19