How many of you think.......

by punkofnice 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • punkofnice

    ..that the Governing body are only in it for money and power?

    How many of you think the GB are all/some are sincere?

    Okay, I know this has been asked before but I can't find the thread and there are newbies here.....and I like the sound of my own voice.

    Personally, and I have no evidence, I think the GB are all corrupt and know what they're doing.

  • cantleave
    Comfy, cozy life and adulation. I don't think they get a great deal of money per se. I still think the real power is with the heads at the legal department.
  • punkofnice

    Cantleave..who has left......

    Thanks. I suspect that the GB know it's all a sham....I mean, it was clear to me when I became an elder that it was all crap.

  • John Aquila
    John Aquila

    .that the Governing body are only in it for money and power?

    You forgot one thing--------Women!

  • galaxie

    Hi punk.. Yes indeed they require influence to maintain a 'faux 'credibility among the rank and file and are very open( paradoxically ) in their closed ranks to any ' new light ' offering which gains them favour. The undeniable altering of doctrine and precedents of errors makes them completely unreliable ie corrupt and guilty as charged. Well said !!

    Best wishes .

  • punkofnice
    JohnAquila - I hate to say this, but I wonder if the GB prefer children!
  • Phizzy

    I firmly believe that they all know they are bulls***ting to a great degree, they know they are using weasel words, half truths etc etc

    To know the above means you know you do not have the "Truth". The Truth needs no such underhand methods to express or defend it.

    The G.B have a wonderful life which they would not be able to enjoy if they left, or if the cult collapses, so they work to keep it going.

  • happy@last
    If they believed it they would be 'Christlike' and leading by example not through fear
  • John Aquila
    John Aquila
    JohnAquila - I hate to say this, but I wonder if the GB prefer children!

    You might be right.

    On the other hand, I believe they know what they teach is false, but at the same time they think they have the truth. It's mental gymnastics.

    It's what I use to do when I was in the borg.

    I would say to myself, "This can't be right, but we have the truth"

    Its a strange phenomenon
  • punkofnice

    Yes, folks. I used to think 'this is the closest thing to the truth.' What a stupid thing to think. That's like thinking, oh well, I've not got HIV positive but I have the clap...that's the nearest thing to being STD free!

    Yes, if the WBT$ could give truth then they wouldn't need to use propaganda to spread it.

    Truth is and stands on its own.

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