Not too long ago I was talking to an acquaintance and the subject came up of how we really don’t know even the people that are close to us. I called to mind a funeral I did some time back for a friend of mine. This guy was a great big, burly guy with a voice like a gravel truck unloading and a bone crushing grip. In the dictionary under ‘macho’ is his picture. Yet one day I went to visit him at his home and found him on this back porch painting. Not painting the porch but in front of a canvas painting flowers. I was totally taken aback. Who would have ever guessed that this guy who never talked of anything but hunting and fishing and things related to his work (bricklaying) had this tenderness in him and an artistic flair about him. It made me think of just how little we know of the people around us, of who they are and what makes them what they are for good or for bad.
Should You Ever Think of Me
In anguish and grief I dwell in this body of mine,
In sorrow and pain within this temple I reside
In my mind are the scars of the wars I have waged
My heart bears the marks of battles engaged
All these things I carry deep inside of me
And hold fast the gates that would set them free
For no one can imagine the tempest inside of me
Or the agony in the heart of the jester they see
Now and then, every once upon a great and rare time
One will peer over the walls that entomb this world of mine
Only to gasp at the demons and horrors there they see
And their eyes tell me they think they are seeing me.
It matters not that in desperation them I beseech
To consider the things that battle and war with me
And the toll they have taken upon that which was once me
None will offer a hand so that from this hell I may be free
So I walk the parapets and guard the granite walls so high
That none may scale their heights, look inside and pry
To see what horrors are wrought upon my heart and see
Only those things should their thoughts ever turn to me.
The French Knight
-Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-