Anthony Morris says that the worst people in the world are Irish Gays who wear tight pants.
Breaking News: Anthony Morris III comments on Ireland legalization of gay marriage.
by cappytan 69 Replies latest jw friends
Given the untold numbers of gays and lesbians born to Witness parents, and their individual struggles with identity, I can still be astonished at how gay- unfriendly the orgznization is. I'm not expecting anyone of note in the organization to attempt to change the rules, but the constant sniping and portraying of gays and lesbians as somehow lesser humans must strike a note of dark pessimism into the hearts of born-in homosexuals. I know how much my heart used to sink whenever cruel or sarcastic comments were made from the platform about sexual perverts and deviants. One brother had a phrase he would periodically utter: "Let us not mix with those who are the lowest of the low" He would then mimic a stereoyypical flamboyant pose and the brothers and sisters would howl with laughter. No recognition that there were born-in gays in the audience such as me. I felt unwelcome years before I left and my only sin was knowing I was gay and living in an organization that detested my kind.
I feel that the irish vote is a reaction to the crushing domination of their lives by the RC church down the decades.
Finkelstein6 hours agoAnthony Morris says that the worst people in the world are Irish Gays who wear tight pants.
Hahaha. well, Morris can talk, he actively protects paedophiles or is complicit in this. What does that make him?
The bloke is a nazi nut job.
Yep. He demeans Irish, gays and his wife all at once.
The sad thing is that 6 years ago I would have laughed at this too
Nice pinky ring, TOMOIII. I bet the Irish & female JW's just LOVE you, TOMO III.
Can't believe this assclown is actually leading a cult of 8 million enslaved drones.
WingCommandera minute agoNice pinky ring, TOMOIII. I bet the Irish & female JW's just LOVE you, TOMO III.
Can't believe this assclown is actually leading a cult of 8 million enslaved drones.
UGH.It proves to me what kind of people are leaders of the filthy, disgusting cult. What are these despots capable of next?
What was that 8 second clip for pixel? -
Antony Morris lll - like the rest of the GB - tough on gay marriage, soft on paedophilia.
God I hate religion.