Noah's Flood & Other Bible Stories

by Sentinel 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Sentinel

    Did anyone catch the East Coast TLC (The Learning Channel) programs last night? The first one was about Noah's Flood. The program after that was about Sodom & Gammorah, the Ancient Apocalypse.

    The programs were trying to establish that events have happened, and have been recorded, but the facts have been distorted within the structures of various existing societies inside the bounds of "religious dogma". I found the programs absolute intreguing in that they substantiated many of my own personal conclusions.

    I believe the earth has had "several different" phases of metamorphesis. The dino's existed during one separate time of creation on the earth. The earth shifted in it's orbit/and also other planets and parts of planets were cascading through the universe. Great gods creating great monstrous animals. It is something to see when the movies bring them to life=and the museums where the re-assembled bones give us the image. Totally awsome.

    "The Truth Is Out There"....................Where Are You Looking?

  • joannadandy

    No I missed those, would have been interesting...I did see one, I think it may have even been TLC, that was pretty much about how Jesus was a pretty normal guy, but church dogma has blown him into a Paul Bunyan type was pretty interesting

  • Simon

    It can't have been true.

    Woman turns to a pillar of salt and they leave it all behind? Do you know how much salt was worth back then ...

  • cellomould

    Pillar of salt = caked in ashes, immolated and stiff


  • perspicacia2
  • Sentinel


    Thanks for the post! I'm feeling comfortable moving around on here now! It's a great place to be when I'm relaxing after a day at the office.

    I absolutely never bought the pillar of salt story either. Now I want to find out how the Red Sea was REALLY parted.


  • SpiderMonkey

    Karen, I seem to recall something on the Red Sea from a high school Western Civ class. I think the "mainstream" non-fundamentalist thinking was that they crossed something like a marsh that existed in that day, where the tide went in & out at various times.

    "Oh no the Egyptians are after us, and there's all this water in front of us! What'll we do?"

    Later, after Moses raises his arms & all that for awhile, the tide goes out & the Hebrews walk across the leftover mud. The Egyptians try to pursue in their chariots, which of course get stuck in the deep mud... And the story gets exaggerated over the years until you have walls of water 100 feet high on both sides, crashing in on the hapless Egyptians (who all perish, of course) immediately after the Hebrews finish crossing.

    The "Bible scholar" interpretation was something like that, I recall... My WC teacher said something to that effect in a class, plus I ran across that idea during research for a term paper. Hope it helps, might give you a place to start at least.


  • Farkel


    : Woman turns to a pillar of salt and they leave it all behind? Do you know how much salt was worth back then ...

    A hell-of-a-lot more than women back then, that's for sure! And not that much less than women in today's WatchtowerWorld.


  • Sentinel

    Thanks SpiderMonkey,

    I also remember something myself in a Reader's Digest years ago that had a big article about the so-called miracles in the Bible. Wish I could find that one too.

    "The Truth Is Out There"


  • TruckerGB

    There is another line of thought on the flood story,which is that it could be the melting of the ice at the end of the ice age,when the sea levels rose,a lot of land was submerged,just recently an ancient forest has been discovered off the coast of India.

    There is a scientist,whose name escapes me at the moment,that is looking for man made objects on the sea bed,and recons he has found some.

    I find this fasinating,any info I find I will post.

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