by Incense_and_Peppermints 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • beckyboop

    I & P,

    Please don't leave--we need more people like you to stick around and defend freedom of speech. I too do not feel like this board is "for" lurking jw's--it's for anyone who needs to express their thoughts and feelings on the "real world" they've just discovered. And although I don't WANT to offend anyone, I know I will at times, just like I'll be offended sometimes--if I allow it. Jw's who come here will see only what they want to see--PERIOD. They will choose to be offended by any number of things, and that's their right. But if they look past those things, they'll start to think for themselves and see past differing viewpoints.

    I do not plan on catering my opinion to them--I express myself for my own mental health. And I most certainly would want ANY jw to get help here if possible; however, not at the expense of our newfound freedom of thought and expression. That's part of being out of the borg--being able to talk openly about a HUGE variety of topics that were off limit before.


    Hmmmm, good question. Part of me would have been definitely been intrigued though, because I always was fascinated by nakedness and sex, even while I was told it was wrong. But, the jw part of me would have said that it was wrong, and I would have judged them like I was supposed to. That's not the point--because the jw's most likely WILL judge us.

    Sean's point hits it on the head--we are not here to whitewash the world. We are now learning to live in it, and our attitudes and discussions reflect that. A huge part of living in the world is realizing and accepting that there are many things that we may not agree with, but others deem acceptable and that is their right. Dutchie's terminology was calling in to question other's morals by posting nude pics, and I think that is wrong. No one can judge others morals, and we should only take responsibility for ourself.


  • Xander

    Larc: yeah, I read the reason. I was just pointing out to Dakota that Simon did not, in fact, warn anybody.

  • Gopher

    I & P,

    You have much good to say. And you have said much good here.

    Please don't give in! Maybe just take a break, and then come back and continue to amaze, amuse and inspire with your usual well-thought-out contributions to this forum.

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Emotional exits haven't got a very high success rate I & P

    See you tomorrow!

  • DakotaRed
    The problem I had, Dakota, was that no such request WAS made. We would have respected it if it was. Thread was chugging along fine with no imput from Simon. Suddenly 'Hey, wait a minute', then, like 3 minutes later [LOCK].

    Like I said, Xander, the request was made. Maybe not in a manner that many would like, maybe it was made too late. Simon did make a thread asking for all to tone it down. That is the request I am talking about. Regardless of what morals any of us have or what does or does not offend our sensibilities, he is the host, this is his site and as such, we are guests. Just like if I came to your house, I would be expected to abide by your wishes, would I not? That is what I am saying.

    There is no such thing as total freedom in the world. Lines have to be drawn and when they are, we should abide or petition for changes. I like and enjoy T&A also, but when the host asks for it to be toned down, for whatever reason, we should respect that. There are endless sites and places to share all the T&A imaginable. I even posted a link to one earlier.

    But, leaving because we are asked to act more responsibly? I feel that is over-reacting a bit. But, that is each of our freedoms and right to decide for ourselves.

    Again, I ask Incense and Peppermints not to leave. She is a valued addition to this site. So is Dutchie and all of you.

  • larc


    I don't think Dutchie was questioning other people's morals. She was questioning the appropriatenes of exprssing your sexuality in this format. If you like sharing sexual imaages of yourself with others and you would enjoy viewing their nakedness, why don't you do this through private email? There is a time and place for everything, and I agree with Dutchie, I don't think this is the place for it. Becky, it is very easy to set up a group of people that all share the same emails. You can send one picture of yourself to 20 people at one time, and each one of them can do the same. Why don't those who want to share their new found sexual freedom, set up something like that? That way, all of the "like mined" people can have a good time without offending those who are not like minded.

  • beckyboop


    When was Simon's request made, before or after his admiration for Pierced Angels' nude shot? I'm not trying to be facetious; however, it's hard to take him seriously when he says one thing and does another. Yes, it is his board, but it's not exactly fair (IMO) to allow 47 pages of boobie pictures, and then just close it without fair warning. The thread had not degenerated to anything worse--just different, and my opinion is he didn't like the fact it started showing men's butts. I wonder how long it would have stayed up if it had only been boobies?


  • DakotaRed

    Becky, regardless of when it was made, it was still made. I feel the rquest should be respected as he is the host and owner. Not saying he would, but what if he decided it was too out of hand and just dropped the entire forum? Is that not his right to do, if he decided to? This is not a jointly owned and operated site and as such, he does have the right to set the standards. Why that is so difficult for some, escapes me, but it seems to be.

    Should a child be allowed total freedom to behave as he sees fit and disregard the parents wishes? Should someone else come up to that child and teach him that he does not have to abide by his parents wishes? I think not. While we are not Simons children, we are his guests. So, maybe his sensibilities came to him late, maybe someone else brought it up to him, who knows and really, what does it matter? Bottom line is, he did make the request.

  • Xander


    Jun 14, 2002 21:01

    It's getting near to that "thread locking" time ...


    Jun 14, 2002 21:02



    Jun 14, 2002 21:03

    Sorry ... I think it's getting a bit out of hand so in my official capacity as kill-joy, I now declare this thread closed. And may god have mercy on our souls (blah blah).

    The last three posts on the thread. That doesn't count as 'warning' to me. Sorry, it was 2 minutes warning.

  • Xander
    Is that not his right to do, if he decided to

    I'm not saying it isn't his right to lock it. I just wish he would have given us some more warning. We WOULD have respected it. It could be perceived as bordering on insulting that he thought we wouldn't.

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