I & P,
Please don't leave--we need more people like you to stick around and defend freedom of speech. I too do not feel like this board is "for" lurking jw's--it's for anyone who needs to express their thoughts and feelings on the "real world" they've just discovered. And although I don't WANT to offend anyone, I know I will at times, just like I'll be offended sometimes--if I allow it. Jw's who come here will see only what they want to see--PERIOD. They will choose to be offended by any number of things, and that's their right. But if they look past those things, they'll start to think for themselves and see past differing viewpoints.
I do not plan on catering my opinion to them--I express myself for my own mental health. And I most certainly would want ANY jw to get help here if possible; however, not at the expense of our newfound freedom of thought and expression. That's part of being out of the borg--being able to talk openly about a HUGE variety of topics that were off limit before.
Hmmmm, good question. Part of me would have been definitely been intrigued though, because I always was fascinated by nakedness and sex, even while I was told it was wrong. But, the jw part of me would have said that it was wrong, and I would have judged them like I was supposed to. That's not the point--because the jw's most likely WILL judge us.
Sean's point hits it on the head--we are not here to whitewash the world. We are now learning to live in it, and our attitudes and discussions reflect that. A huge part of living in the world is realizing and accepting that there are many things that we may not agree with, but others deem acceptable and that is their right. Dutchie's terminology was calling in to question other's morals by posting nude pics, and I think that is wrong. No one can judge others morals, and we should only take responsibility for ourself.