Happy Father's Day

by obiefernandez 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • obiefernandez

    Happy Father's Day!!!

    At least in the USA today (I don't know about elsewhere) we are celebrating dad's day. I wish a great day to all you great dad's out there. Having children changes you for life -- It is now an intrinsic part of my personality and I wouldn't change it for the world.


  • terafera

    Yes, I think dads are very underrated...they freak out over mothers day and you hardly hear anything about fathers day!! Fathers are cool!

    Mine was... only after he died (5 years ago) that I realized not to take him for granted..

    Happy Father's Day!

  • Beck_Melbourne

    I wish we could have given our Dad a real father's day....our borg upbringing stole that from him...and he was never a JW.

    My brother should be congratulated...as he reminded us all to call our Dad last father's day...which was in fact the first father's day with all of us out of the borg and first one we all acknowledged....he died a couple of months later.

    Love you Dad!


  • obiefernandez

    I think its ridiculous that dubs don't celebrate Mother's or Father's Day. There is absolutely no biblical basis for not observing those holidays.

  • Princess

    It's creature worship Obie. Didn't you know that? You are encouraging your children to worship you. What total crap.

    Happy father's day to all the dads out there. You do a wonderful job.


  • Mimilly

    Happy Father's Day to all the dads.

    hugs all around -


  • Been there
    Been there

    The bible tells us to HONOR our fathers and mothers. Honor = reverence, public esteem, credit, symbol of distinction, exalt, ceremonial rite or observance, (just to name a few)

    This is one celebration they SHOULD follow (biblicly speaking). What part of honor don't they understand?

    HAPPY FATHERS DAY! to all you good daddy's out there.

    KY Been

  • ISP

    I am having a good one! Hey I got a wrist watch camera as a present! I can be a spy or summat now!


  • Undecided

    Hi All,

    I think there should be a children's day, thay have made my life worth the effort. When I die they will be the only thing that will show I was ever on this earth.

    Ken P.

    Edited by - Undecided on 16 June 2002 10:21:0

  • FriendlyFellaAL

    Undecided - I remember telling my Mom that there should be a Kid's Day when I was little. She looked at me, smiled and said, "Every day is Kid's Day." LOL! I still get a chuckle whenever I think about that one.

    Happy Father's Day!


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