So, Do You Yanks & Brits Realise That.........

by Englishman 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    ..If the USA win their next 3 World Cup games, and England win their next 2 games, then the USA and England will meet in the final to decide who will win the World Cup?

    If that happens, unlikely as it is that the USA will defeat Mexico tomorrow, let alone another 2 teams after that, what do you think would be the result of a USA v England match?


  • ChuckD

    Clearly, it would decide the fate of the entire world. Citizens (or in your case, "subjects") of the losing country should be forced to wear their underpants on their heads for the rest of the year.

  • joeshmoe

    A dual-world power, what else?

  • outnfree


    E-man, honey -- too much Guiness last night? The USA will NOT reach the finals, you can take that to Lloyd's of London, honey! (And this from a Yank who actually enjoys WC Soccer!). Come back down from Fantasy Land, right NOW!!!!



  • LittleToe


    If it's any consolation, the chances are that England won't make the final, either

  • SYN

    It would probably end in a nuclear confrontation during half-time!

  • larc

    I believe CT Russell predicted this match up just before he died.

  • ISP

    It would be 0-0 after FT and ET. Penalties would be even and eventually the World Cup would be given to them both. As fulfilled by bible prophecy.


  • happy man
    happy man

    Dont fforget that England have SVEN, and we sweeds now that he is a winner.

    So i think it will be a very exating game beetwen England and brasil, Sven have a new taktik i hird, who will schook brasil, now we our hope is ENGLAND, when we lost to this teknikal africans today, this was hard for my nervs, widh so many chansese in golden goal time, post was nor on our side today, but well done boys, to winn group of deads.

  • tdogg

    I didn't know that it was football season. I thought the NFL started in Septemeber.

    HA HA.

    The US team hasn't done anything but win one game by upset. Hardly encouraging.

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