Different Judicial Committee Procedures

by Rado Vleugel 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rado Vleugel
    Rado Vleugel

    I was disfellowshipped several years ago for questioning the blood issue (see my story ). During this process I never received a single letter from the elders or the Dutch Branch Office. This in spite of my insistent request to inform me in writing instead of orally. In my opinion they were afraid for the media attention.

    I noticed that Barbara Anderson and Bil Bowen in contrast with my case have received letters from elders and the Organization in spite of the overwhelming media attention.

    Does anyone know why the Judicial Committee Procedures in the Netherlands differ from the procedures in the USA?

    Rado Vleugel

  • blondie

    I would say these are different times and a different place. There are almost 1 million JWs in the US that can be affected by the publicity here. Also, I would say that the legal point of view at the WTS is gaining ascendancy over the "theocractic" viewpoint. More and more of the GB are dying or incapacitated leaving Ted Jaracz in charge with his hand-picked associates on the GB.

    If your case were heard today, I'm positive it would be handled differently, just as the ones you see today.

  • Rado Vleugel
    Rado Vleugel

    Hi Blondie,

    There are almost 1 million JWs in the US that can be affected by the publicity here

    Thats exactly why it surprised me. If they dont give any written statements there is less fuel for the media to use.

    Rado Vleugel http://www.watchtowerinformationservice.org/

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I might be wrong and I"m sure someone will correct me if I am but...

    both Barbara and Bill have lawyers who have made specific requests that Bill and Barbara be contactly only through their lawyers.

    Personally I know of no other cases where letters are used. I believe it is WT policy to not make a paper trail that could be used in a court of law

  • blondie

    Hello Rado, I guess I was trying to say that when your case was handled the policy may have been not to put anything in writing if the WTS could avoid doing so. With Bill Bowen's and Barbara Anderson's (and the Pandelo's) statements and their case already so public in the media, the WTS feels they have to make sure they document as much in writing as they need to protect themselves legally. I don't think those in control at the WTS, particularly the legalistics ones, are trusting in Jehovah to protect them. They are "leaning on their own understanding."

    JWs learned very little about Ray Franz in the media, not enough to make them question the WTS action against him. That was in 1981 and he appeared in a 1984 Time (?) article. The rest was rumor and outright slander.

    With the advent of the Internet and more people on it, it is harder for the WTS to coverup.

    The adage here is someday the birds come home to roost. Well, I think there are a lot of birds coming home to roost and the WTS has a lot of questions to answer.

    If the Catholic Church with all its adherents, money, and power can't avoid the questions about molesters in their ranks, the WTS will not be able to avoid facing up to their own sins as well. It has taken over 20 years and the concerted efforts of many people including SNAP, to put the Catholic Church where it is now today.

    The WTS thought they could contain your situation to your country or your area. They can't do that today. And the situation of 4 separate situations in the US in 4 widely separated areas puts questions in many minds. The explanation of a rogue elder body or congregation doesn't make sense. It indicates a deeper problem in the whole organization.

  • crawdad2

    hi rado,

    just my opinion, but ....... i think the difference is that bill bowen and barbara anderson have the gov body by the balls....hehehe

  • DakotaRed

    In looking through the Pay Attention To Yourselves manual, I noticed the following;

    Pg 102;

    If a baptized person insists that he does not want to be part of the congregation and requests that his name be removed from all our records, we should comply with his request.

    Since he takes such an adamant position, encourage him
    to put his request in writing.

    Pg 110

    Handling Judicial Cases

    Do not send an individual any kind of correspondence that directly accuses him of specific wrongdoing.

    Further down the same page;

    If it is necessary to send a written invitation, you should
    simply state what the individual's course is alleged to have
    been, the time and place of the hearing, and how the
    person can contact the chairman if the arrangements are
    inconvenient for him.

    To me, is does seem strange that they desire notices of Disassociation to be written, but discourage any charges against one facing DFing to be withheld until the hearing convenes and then, to limit what may be written. It does seem they are fearful of litigation and leaving any evidence behind, especially by not wanting observers or tape recorders in the room

    Edited by - DakotaRed on 16 June 2002 14:49:11

  • blondie
    have the gov body by the balls

    I didn't know they had them, crawdad.

  • Rado Vleugel
    Rado Vleugel

    I agree with Blondie that the Watchtower might document as much in writing as they need to protect themselves legally in this case. This is also because Bill and Barbara have lawyers as Lady Lee mentioned.

    The similarities between their cases and my case is the media attention. Although the impact from the child-abuse issue has a far greater impact than my little case.

    The quote from the Elders Manual by DakotaRed is also interesting.

    Rado Vleugel http://www.watchtowerinformationservice.org/

  • crawdad2

    hi blondie,........ ya i think they have them all right!!!!....... but they are sorta turning blue, right about now.

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