Hi Bugs,
I got interested in textual criticism when I first obtained Bruce Metzger's book "The Text of the New Testament" about twenty years ago. The 'Great Disappointment' of 1975 inclined me to pursue those fields of study which required less interpretation like textual criticism and biblical archaeology. It is a fascinating field although not entirely without speculation.
A bit more information about the extant texts containing all or part of Revelation for your enjoyment:
p18(third/fourth century), Revelation 1:4-7
Located at London: British Library, Inv no. 2053v.
Further information:
Ellwood M.Schofield, "The Papyrus Fragments of the Greek New Testament" (diss.,Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, 1936, pp.182-85).
B.P.Grenfell and A.S.Hunt, Oxyrhynchus Papyri VIII (1911), pp.13-14.
Text repeated in C.Wessely, "Les Plus Anciens Monuments du Christianisme ecrits sur papyrus", in "Patrologia orientalis", vol XVIII, 3 (Paris, 1924, pp.465ff).
Text repeated in R.H.Charles, "Revelation of St John", International Critical Commentary, vol.II (Edinburgh,1920), pp.447-9.
p24(fourth), Revelation 5:5-8; 6:5-8
Located at Newton Centre: Andover Newton Theolgical School, Franklin Trask Library, Oxyrhynchus Papyri 1230.
Further information:
Ellwood M.Schofield, "The Papyrus Fragments of the Greek New Testament" (diss.,Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, 1936, pp.203-205).
B.P.Grenfell and A.S.Hunt, Oxyrhynchus Papyri X (1914), pp.16-18 (P.Oxy. 1230).
Text repeated in C.Wessely, "Les Plus Anciens Monuments du Christianisme ecrits sur papyrus", in "Patrologia orientalis", vol XVIII, 3 (Paris, 1924, pp.465ff).
Text repeated in R.H.Charles, "Revelation of St John", International Critical Commentary, vol.II (Edinburgh,1920), pp.448-50.
p43(sixth/seventh), Revelation 2:12-13; 15:8-16:2
Located at London: British Library, Inv no. 2241.
Further information:
Ellwood M.Schofield, "The Papyrus Fragments of the Greek New Testament" (diss.,Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, 1936, pp.292-95).
Walter Ewing Crum and Harold Idri Bell, Coptica III, "Wadi Sarga: Coptic and Greek Texts from the Excavations Undertaken by the Byzantine Research Account" (Copenhagen, 1922, pp.43-51).
p47(third), Revelation 9:10-17:2
Located at Dublin: P. Chester Beatty III.
Further information:
Frederic G.Kenyon, "The Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri III/1: Pauline Epistles and Revelation, Text" (London: text(1934); III/2: "Revelation, Plates"(London: 1936)).
p85(fourth/fifth), Revelation 9:19-10:2,5-9
Located at Strasbourg: Bibliotheque Nationale et Universitaire, P.Gr. 1028.
Further information:
J.Schwartz, "Papyrus et tradition manuscrite", Zeitschrift fur Papyrologie und Epigraphik 4 (Bonn, 1969, 178-182).
Located at London: British Library, Add. 43725.
Located at London: British Library, Royal 1 D.VIII.
Located at Paris: Bibliotheque Nationale, Gr. 9.
P(ninth), codex Porphyrianus
Located at Leningrad:Public Library, Gr. 225.
Further information:
C.Tischendorf, Monumenta sacra inedita V, pp.1ff. and VI,pp.1ff.
H.C.Hoskier, "Concerning the Text of the Apocalypse", (London, 1929, vol.1, p.7).
Kurt Treu, "Die Griechischen Handschriften des Neuen Testaments in der UdSR; eine systematische Auswertung de Texthandschriften in Leningrad, Moskau, Kiev, Odessa, Tbilisi und Erevan", T&U91 (Berlin, 1966, pp.101-4).
Located at Rome: Vatican Library, Gr. 2066.
Further information:
Decribed with reproductions by S.P.Tregelles, "An Account of the Printed Text" (London, 1854, pp.156ff).
C.Tischendorf, Monumenta sacra inedita (1846, pp.407ff. and plate III, no.9).
C.Tischendorf, Monumenta sacra inedita ("Appendix Novi Testamenti Vaticani", Leipzig, 1869, pp.iiiff. and 1ff).
051(tenth), Revelation 11-22
Located at Athos: Pantokratoros 44.
Further information:
C.R.Gregory, Textkritik des Neuen Testamentes III, pp.1042-6.
H.C.Hoskier, "Concerning the Text of the Apocalypse", (London, 1929, vol.1, pp.2-4).
052(tenth), Revelation 7:16-8:12
Located at Athos: Panteleimonos 99,2.
Further information:
C.R.Gregory, Textkritik des Neuen Testamentes III, pp.1046f.
H.C.Hoskier, "Concerning the Text of the Apocalypse", (London, 1929, vol.1, p.5).
0163(fifth), Revelation 16:17-20
Located at Chicago: University of Chicago, Oriental Institute, 9351 (P.Oxy.848).
Further information:
B.P.Grenfell and A.S.Hunt, Oxyrhynchus Papyri VI, p.6 and plate I.
Text repeated in R.H.Charles, "Revelation of St John", International Critical Commentary, vol.II (Edinburgh,1920), pp.449-51.
K.W.Clark, "A Descriptive Catalgue of Greek New Testament Manuscripts in America", Chicago, 1937, p.273.
0169(fourth), Revelation 3:19-4:3
Located at Princeton: Theological Seminary, Pap.5 (P.Oxy.1080).
Further information:
B.P.Grenfell and A.S.Hunt, Oxyrhynchus Papyri VIII, pp.14f.
Text repeated in R.H.Charles, "Revelation of St John", International Critical Commentary, vol.II (Edinburgh,1920), pp.448-50.
K.W.Clark, "A Descriptive Catalgue of Greek New Testament Manuscripts in America", Chicago, 1937, p.177.
0207(fourth), Revelation 9:2-15
Located at Florence: Biblioteca Laurenziana, PSI 1166.
Further information:
M.-J. Lagrange, Critique textuelle II, La Critique rationelle (Paris, 1935, pp.585-6).
J.Schmid, "Der Apokalypsetext des Kodex 0207 (Papiri della Societa Italiana 1166)", Biblische Zeitchrift 23 (1935/36, 187-9).
G.Vitelli and G.Mercati, Pubblicazioni della Societa Italiana (Papiri Greci et Latini) vol.10, pp.112-20 (see also M.Naldini, "Documenti dell'Antichita Cristiana", 2nd edn. (Florence, 1965, no.22 and plate).
0229(eighth), Revelation 18:16-17; 19:4-6
Formerly located at Florence: Biblioteca Laurenziana, PSI 1296b.
Further information:
G.Mercati, Pubblicazioni della Societa Italiana (Papiri Greci et Latini) vol.13, pp.1,8-11 and plate 1 (see also I.Crisci, "La Collezione dei Papiri di Firenze", in "Proceedings of the XII Congress of Papyrology" (Toronto, 1970), pp.89-95, esp. p.93; and M.Naldini, "Documenti dell'Antichita Cristiana", 2nd edn. (Florence, 1965, no.23 and plate).
Located at Athos: Iviron, (56) 728.
Further information:
H.C.Hoskier, "Concerning the Text of the Apocalypse", (London, 1929, vol.1, p.688ff).
Located at Athens: National Library, 94.
Further information:
H.C.Hoskier, "Concerning the Text of the Apocalypse", (London, 1929, vol.1, pp.356-65).
B.Aland (ed.), Das Neue Testament in syrischer Uberlieferung:I Die Grossen Katholichen Briefe, Arbeiten zur neutestamentlichen Textforschung VII (Berlin/New York, 1986).
Located at Lesbos: Limonos, 55.
Further information:
H.C.Hoskier, "Concerning the Text of the Apocalypse", (London, 1929, vol.1, pp.435ff).
Located at Athos: Iviron, (25) 231.
Further information:
H.C.Hoskier, "Manuscripts of the Apocalypse - Recent Investigations IV", reprint from Bulletin of the John Rylands Library (1924, vol.8, p.1-40 and 2 plates).
H.C.Hoskier, "Concerning the Text of the Apocalypse", (London, 1929, vol.1, pp.442-56).
Located at Mocow: University, 2.
Further information:
Kurt Treu, "Die Griechischen Handschriften des Neuen Testaments in der UdSR; eine systematische Auswertung de Texthandschriften in Leningrad, Moskau, Kiev, Odessa, Tbilisi und Erevan", T&U91 (Berlin, 1966, pp.331-2).
H.C.Hoskier, "Concerning the Text of the Apocalypse", (London, 1929, vol.1, pp.209ff).
Located at Escorial: X, III, 6.
Further information:
H.C.Hoskier, 'Manuscripts of the Apocalypse - Recent Investigations III', reprint from Bulletin of the John Rylands Library (1923, vol.7, pt3 and 1 facsimile).
H.C.Hoskier, "Concerning the Text of the Apocalypse", (London, 1929, vol.1, pp.480-8).
Located at Messina: Biblioteca Universitario, 99.
Further information:
Hermann von Soden, "Der Apokalype Text in dem Kommentar-Codex Messina 99", American Journal of Philology (Baltimore, 1914, vol.35, 179-91).
H.C.Hoskier, "Concerning the Text of the Apocalypse", (London, 1929, vol.1, pp.494-505).
Plates: K.Aland and B.Aland, Der Text des Neuen Testaments n.55 (Stuttgart, 1982; ET Grand Rapids, 1986).
Located at Rome: Vatican Library, Gr.1426.
Further information:
H.C.Hoskier, "Concerning the Text of the Apocalypse", (London, 1929, vol.1, pp.527ff).
Located at Meteora: Metamorphosis, 573, ff.210-245r.
Further information:
H.C.Hoskier, 'Manuscripts of the Apocalypse - Recent Investigations I', reprint from Bulletin of the John Rylands Library (1922, vol.6, p.1-20 and facsimiles).
H.C.Hoskier, "Concerning the Text of the Apocalypse", (London, 1929, vol.1, pp.637-52).
N.A.Beis, "Die Kollation der Apokalypse Johannis mit dem Kodex 573 des Meteora Klosters", Zeitschrift fur die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft (Berlin, 1912, vol.13, pp.260-5).
Located at Paris: Bibliotheque Nationale, Coislin Gr.18.
Further information:
Collated by J.Schmid, "Unbeachtete Apokalypse-Handchriften", Theologische Quartalschrift (Tubingen, 1939, vol.120, pp.154-87).
New collation in M.Davies, "The Text of the Pauline Epistles in Manucript 2344 and its Relationship to the Text of other Known Manuscripts in Particular to 330, 436 and 462", Studies and Documents XXXVIII (Salt Lake City, 1968).
Plates: K.Aland and B.Aland, Der Text des Neuen Testaments n.56 (Stuttgart, 1982; ET Grand Rapids, 1986).
Located at Meteora: Metamorphosis, 573, ff.245v-290.
Further information:
H.C.Hoskier, "Manuscripts of the Apocalypse - Recent Investigations II", reprint from Bulletin of the John Rylands Library,(1923, vol.7, pt2., p.1-12).
H.C.Hoskier, "Concerning the Text of the Apocalypse", (London, 1929, vol.1, pp.653-62).
Located at Athens: Byzantine Museum, 117.
Must catch some sleep now. Enjoy yourself.