I'll bet you don't know who this person is.
The anonymous
by TerryWalstrom 16 Replies latest jw friends
Obviously not a married man by the looks of his tie. -
Looks enough like you to be your dad. -
Malcom Cameron Rutherford
Born November 16, 1892
Yep. Judge Rutherford's son. That one was snapped in 1917. Malcom was fighting being drafted into WWI as a Bible Student.
Nice looking young man. He was thoroughly anonymous. He never wrote a word I've been able to find; not even about his (in)famous father.
Awake at last
I felt he was something to do with Jugde Rutherford, there seemed to be a slight, only slight resemblance.
I don't think he ever wrote anything biblical or about his father.
I hope he had a reasonably happy life, as happy as he could be with JFR as his old man, and that Jehovah gives him some of the rewards that his father felt entitled to.
There was a thread on this fine looking young son of Rutherford's some months ago. He lived to a ripe old age too. On the matter of his good looks (at least as captured on film), it stands to reason that having a father as odd- and bulgy-eyed looking as Rutherford, any child would have to be better looking by mere contrast alone. And so it happened in this case. -
Did he remain a witness? -
The old man in 1891, when he was a young man of 22 years:
Let's face it--he was a strapping fellow who worked very hard for his father. His dad would only agree to allow young Joe to go to law school if it didn't interfere with chores. His Dad undoubtedly thought that would stop his son. But, no. Joe hired a day laborer and paid him out of pocket to take his place.
Young Joe put himself through school selling encyclopedias . . . wait for it . . . wait for it . . . DOOR TO DOOR!
Further, he learned and mastered shorthand so he could pick up extra cash as a court stenographer. Incidentally, this experience as Stenographer greatly familiarized him with the minute details of conducting a legal defense and presenting a case to a jury.
Son Malcolm C. Rutherford was born November 10, 1892, and died June 22, 1989. He lived in Arcadia, California, at age 97