Thought that you'd like this. Sounds appropriate, no?
by sir82 47 Replies latest jw friends
Thought that you'd like this. Sounds appropriate, no?
I thought JWs were supposedly following the pattern set in the first century.
I don't recall Jesus or his disciples standing silently next to literature carts.
I don't know about any special training for cart work but you do have to fill out an application and then be vetted by your local congregation elders
1. Legal name:.
2. Address:
3 . Congregation name:.
(Street address or route and box)
(Province or state)
(Directional or geographic designation)
4. What languages do you speak fluently?
(First) (Middle)
(E-mail address)
(Zone or code) (Home phone) (Mobile phone)
(City) (Province or state)
5. Date of birth: Date of baptism: I.
(Month) (Day) (Year) (Month) (Day)
6. Marital status: Married ( ) Single ( ) Divorced { ) Separated ( ) Widowed ( )
7. Are you a: Regular or special pioneer? Ministerial servant? Elder?
g Have you been reproved by a judicial committee within the last three years' If so, when?
9. Have you been reinstated by a judicial committee within the last five years? If so, when?
10. Are you now of good moral standing and habits?
11. Are you willing and able to follow theocratic direction on public witnessing?
Please indicate your current weekday availability:
Symbols to be placed in the boxes below:
M = Morning
H = Half day
A - Afternoon
F = Full day NA
E = Evening
= Nnt available
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Please indicate below the number of weekend days you are available each month:
Saturday Sunday
Please note that completing this application is not a guarantee that you w i l l be approved to
participate i n this special public witnessing program.
(Signature) (Date)
S-73-E 11/12
1. Is the applicant a zealous Kingdom publisher?
2. Does he care well for his responsibilities?
3. Does he enjoy and promote good relations with others? _ -
4. Does he demonstrate a proper view toward people of other cultures?
5. Does he cooperate with the body of elders?
6. (a) Does he demonstrate a willingness to approach people in different public settings in order to share the good news?..
(b) Does he demonstrate discernment when doing so?
( ) N/A ( ) Yes ( ) No (b) If so, when?
8. Has he been reproved by a judicial committee in the last three years? When? Date restrictions lifted:..
9. Is he now of good moral standing and habits?
10. Do you recommend that he be trained for this special public witnessing program? _
Whenever possible, close relatives should not sign the application
Rating symbols to be placed in the boxes below:
A - Excellent B^Good C = Average (qualifies) D - Poor (may not qualify) E - Does not qualify
of the body
of elders
Secretary Service
overseer Comments
Dependable and organized
Balance in judgment and
Physical stamina
(Coordinator of the body of elders—Sign and print name) (Circuit overseer—Sign and print name and circuit assignment)
(Secretary—Sign and print name) (Date)
( & ^ " c c o ^ r ' s c c ^ ^ " M * h e circuit overseer approves the applicant, he
should sign this form and forward it to the
public-witnessing coordinating elder. The form
should be kept on file.
Oops a Little Late I see
When looking at this application 1 Co. 13:4,5 comes to mind.
The application is clearly going against this bible text concerning "keeping account of the injury".
Just more rules and going beyond the things written.
There is a difference between plain ole' cart work and special metropolitan witnessing.
Cart work can be done by pretty much any adult publisher with the minimum of training.
Special Metropolitan Witnessing is invite only. You have to apply and then be approved. It's mostly pioneers that get the "privilege". This may involve cart work in high visibility areas but also other activities like kiosks and desks.
Driving Force3 hours agoWhen looking at this application 1 Co. 13:4,5 comes to mind.
The application is clearly going against this bible text concerning "keeping account of the injury".
Just more rules and going beyond the things written.
Speaking of injury....I imagine 'liablity' for bodily injury or damage comes into play. The WBT$ don't want lawsuits against them. Provide faux training to the R&F and the WBT$ is absolved from any liability. Sue the dub not the corporation.
The GB need all the money they can get to suit their gluttonous lifestyle.
Wasn't it you punky who aptly named these "The Apathy Trolley/Cart"?
Cart witnessing/just standing next to it I think will have the opposite effect of door to door.
1. can be approached by postates
2. your standing/sitting there looking like a pertified zombee