nonoprobe, ........ i think this site gets visited alot by curious jws and is a good place to put up true stories........... i hope to read yours on some of these boards soon...... it's not the loving clean organization that many think it is.
Why Ex-JWs Will Never Go From Door to Door
by comforter 143 Replies latest jw friends
I tend to agree with D8ta on this whole thing. This comforter guy sprouted up right around the time that Non was kicked out. He does resorted to the same things as that Non guy. For example he likes getting really technical about stupid crap while avoiding any issues with substance. Also, he's always trying to prove how smart he is. Who cares if he's smart? I don't. His whole purpose it to see how many people take the bait and argue with him, and every single time we satisfy him by making 10 pages worth of responses. Why can't we stop ourselves???
D RED says:
As far as growth not being a sign of God's favor, is that new light?
*** km 4/98 3 Wanted-More Bible Studies ***
1 Jehovah God is blessing his earthly organization with continued growth.*** km 11/98 3 We Surpassed the Million Mark! ***
We look to Jehovah for his all-important blessing so that growth will be maintained.1 Cor. 3:7.*** km 4/97 1 Multitudes Are Being Added ***
1 As was true in the first century, the growth that the Christian congregation is experiencing today is phenomenal. (Acts 2:41; 4:4) Last year, 366,579 new disciples were baptized, an average of over 1,000 each day! More than one million were baptized in the last three years. Indeed, Jehovah has kept on adding multitudes of believers.Acts 5:14.*** km 2/93 1 Conduct Bible Studies in the Live Forever Book ***
This outstanding growth is the result of Jehovahs blessing*** km 3/93 8 Be Versatile in Your Ministry ***
Having done our part, we can happily leave any future growth in Jehovahs hands.Don't you just hate documented statements?
Yes I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The above statements clearly show just how little most jw actually know what they believe and teach, or should we say LOSE OF MEMORY
I dare say that almost all of us have heard thru talks and as above published statements clearly stating that
GROWTH IS A DIRECT EVIDENCE OF GOD BLESSINGS---then when growth is pointed out in other faiths the memory loss jw says:"O NO GROWTH DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHINGS"
yet his or her very own literature proves them to be a Liar.
once again we have very well illustrated the mental BACKFLIPS that jw must do to support and sustain goofy comments and teachings that the wt have in place
Comforter let's look at 2 statements you made and perhaps you can clear them up for us-
as always keep in mind your audience, many here are former publisher, pioneers, elder, bethelites and so forth so we kinda have a idea of how the life of a jw really is, but we also have many NONJW who visit in fact i often make it a point to show NONJW what jw like yourself say on the net, and then i show them what the OFFICIAL position of jw really is by means of direct quotes from the literature . so just make sure that what you say is really what the society teaches and not just your opinion OK
now let;s look at your 2 points;
You said:
"While a child is in my house, I will ENCOURAGE it to go from door to door. If it later decides it does not want to be a jw, that it the child's responsibility."
^^ Now let;s be honest would you just encourage your 12 yr old or would you make him go out in service?^^
you further state: "The society does not forbid us to use internet."
I fully agree with you the Society does not forbid you to use the internet, but does the society teach you that to be here on this site is showing obedience to the directions that jah has given to the FDS -- Nov 1998 KM 0 addresses the issue of being in "Apostate Sites"
so how do you explain being here in view that WE ALL KNOW that you are going DIRECTLY against the Society's instructions
we wait for your explaination
Comforter says:
Is it associating with ousted brethren if I come to this place? I do not understand the biblical command that way.
I do not fraternize or hobknob with ousted brethren. So am I really violating the Bible?
I have often stated that when a jw comes to a site like this he or she is already showing signs of leaving the Org-
can any of you imagine this person sitting in the back room with the CO and 2 elders saying to them after being asked:
"Brother Comforter Do you think the FDS is wrong for telling us in the nov 98 km insert to stay away from those DFed be it in person or via the internet?"
and his response is : "Is it associating with ousted brethren if I come to this place? I do not understand the biblical command that way.....". "So am I really violating the Bible?"
now when you see a poster make statements like the above it tells us all THIS DUDE IS ON HIS WAY OUT AND THE KICKER IS - HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW IT
comforter gets better with time being here:
"But the Bible uses the phrase mh sunanamignusthai ("not to be mixing selves up with") to command Christians not to socialize with ousted brethren. Now if you want me to leave I will be glad to. But I interpret the Greek differently than (THE SOCIETY DOES is what he meant to say) you do. I am in the this place but not a part of it.
Well comforter, you have already demostrated you are an Unoffical Apostate welcome
Hey Comforter,
I'll be waiting for the jw refutation or explanation of, "do not go from house to house".
do you think you can address my post in thread 5? I mean can you dispute teh scriptural answer I have given you.
I just think you like riling people up with your post and them play mind games with them. Maybe if you try to answer something from Scripture it might challenge you a bit?
Hey Comforter,what a lame thread!!JW`s go from door to door,or their evil god will kill them.Sounds like a "From the heart deal to me!(lol)."If someone put a gun to your head and told you to bark like a dog you`d do that too!!They already have,and you already do..FOOL!!..(LOL)...OUTLAW
Edited by - OUTLAW on 17 June 2002 22:4:52
Well, I think we need a nice summary of our slippery friend "comforter's" thread.
What did you have to say about Nanoprobe's experiences? Are you so cold-blooded that you can just blow them off? Is that justified with a "just imperfect men" lamer excuse, or is it a sympton of a deep, deep problem with your religion and the way it conducts its business?
: To all you pedantics who criticized me for calling a child "it" you know nothing about English grammar
Of course, you were shown to be not only ignorant of English grammar, but an insensitve twit to call anyone's child an "it." Had you done that with one of my children when they were babies, you would be picking up the teeth you didn't end up swallowing.
These statements and Bible verse by another poster are absolutely correct, but we ALL noticed how you lied your way around them:
???And the passage says absolutely NOTHING about an 'ousted brother' it says:
: "But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer (reviler), or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.???
This is your lame-ass answer:
: Can't you read. The verse says that if anyone practices these things and "is called a brother" do not mix with them. Get your glasses on.
So, how do you respond to THIS reply, then?
: MANY, MANY, MANY of us wo were 'ousted' were NOT fornicators, covetous, idolaters, revilers, OR drunkards.
We're all waiting for a decent answer. Perhaps that's too much to ask of you.. There are only SIX reasons the scriptures outline for not keeping company with a brother. Six. That's it. Not seven. Not seven hundred. Now how many reasons does the Watchtower society have that orders not only other brothers, but other family members to quit mixing in company?
Well, there are the first six, and then there are a LOT of other reasons that dubs are either ordered directly not to mix in company with brothers, or "encouraged" (translation: ordered) not to do so. Here are on a few of them. Some are past, most are present:
smoking cigarettes
speaking against the WTS
saluting the flag
joining the military
having a blood transfusion
having an organ transplant
accepting alternative military service
speaking out against WT cover-ups of pedophlia
associating with someone who asked to be removed from the Watchtower's list of members
celebrating Christmas
mowing the lawn of another Church as part of your job
working as a military defense contractor
saying you doubt that the WTS speaks for God
joining the YMCA
not screaming while you are being raped with a gun to your throat
continuing to claim a dub raped you and IS raping you while he denies it and you are 13 years old
going to college
buying an expensive home or car
sending your child to a private Catholic or other school run by a Church
going to your father's funeral or daughter's wedding at another Church
telling an elder he is full of shit
telling an elder or CO ANYTHING he doesn't likeWell, there are 22 MORE reasons dubs "quit mixing company" and they were just off the top of my head.
You told me I didn't know what I was talking about when I called you to task for this statement you made in reference to R. Johnson:
: Did you know that onyl Jehovah is given such a title in the KJV?
Since all of R. Johnson's posts ONLY dealt with the New Testament Greek and since you made that statement specifically in reference to him, then how can you claim you were not talking about the New Testament and Greek.
Please explain, what you mean about Jehovah and "such a title," then?. We're all waiting for you to take the time to change the feet in your mouth. Of course, you can always change to another identity and try some new bullshit on us. You're pretty good at doing that and as transparent as freshly washed glass.
Edited by - Farkel on 18 June 2002 2:40:55