CNN has 'talkback live' on television now (12:33pm California), debating the door to door permit issue. Callers can phone in.
Talkback LIVE on CNN(T.V.) Now!!!
by sf 10 Replies latest jw friends
Well I need a phone number.
They do Email too - what is there Email address??
Brumley is on live.
WHAT's the Email???
It's over. Sorry. They were taking aol messages. I never saw the e addy. I'll go look now, on their site.
Spank me hawkaw
HAW.. here ya go... Click Me
Edited by - Valis on 17 June 2002 15:50:16
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AOL Instant Messenger sm : instant message. -
Its OVER????
Ahhh..... I just sent this
Dear Sir/Madame:
I was stunned after reading the article on page 81 of Newsweek dealing with the Jehovah's Witnesses child rapist scandal. Unlike Catholics, this leadership requires a child rapist who is also a JW, to evangelize (with/without another Witness) at the unsuspecting public's front door.
As a father, I will have to think hard when one of the 6 million JWs knocks on my door and asks for a personal bible study. To think that a leadership would allow a "cunning" child rapist (with/without an untrained partner) to observe my home and my 6 year old without my knowledge is an absolute terror.
Did the Supremes take that into account when they reviewed this case or do they care about public safety?
[1] Newsweek CNN/Associated Press May 10, 2002
Didn't hear the debate, but did notice this article on Msnbc News entitled "Court protects missionaries, solicitors" at:
I suppose the debate was centered on this ruling.