WT Fortifies Its Firewall

by belbab 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • ashitaka

    To me this is the worst one

    "Debates over trivial matters within the congregation"

    Of course, since 'trivial' is determined by the elders, this can be thought to be anything. Such a shame for any good people who are left. They'll just stay and take it on the other cheek until they're mauled.

    I hate conventions. They're gossip and propoganda sessions worse than any of us could ever devise.

    People going might as well heil the fuhrer.


  • Francois

    No, there IS no moral swamp too filthy for the WTBTS or the CCJW or whatever they're calling themselves this week.

    And if you don't believe it, wait until the next issue arises that requires even more wallowing around in moral and ethical excrement. Those bastards will be smearing it in each other's hair.

    I would hate to have the karma, the spiritual repercussion, of the governing body and all their little two-bit henchmen from the branch level right down to the smallest, least powerful book room weenie.

    I suppose we should feel sorry for them, just as we feel sorry for anyone who is so severely handicapped. However, their handicap is of their own making. They are blind because they WILL NOT see. And so I say fuck 'em.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    From the Dateline transcript

    LARSON: You talking to me right now, it's like you're talking to Satan.

    Mr. BILL BOWEN: That's correct. I'm attacking God, is what they've said about it.

    LARSON: In the view of the church, sitting down with us right now.

    Mr. BOWEN: Yes.

    From the quote based on the DC talk

    What comes from the news media, is misinformation and propaganda from Satan.
    Guess Bill nailed that one. Now where did I see someone say he was exxaggerating the WTS stand on the media?
  • ItsJustlittleoldme
    Therefore, everything that comes from the world is from Satan and will be against us. What comes from the news media, is misinformation and propaganda from Satan. The speaker exhorted his audience to avoid harmful influences of the world, to separate themselves from threats to their spirituality. He listed these threats, (I may have missed one or two) they are:

    Now now now... Let's take a look at the reasoning book and see if we can find any ENCOURAGING words when we (the jw's) are being persecuted for doing god's will:

    Ahh, lookie here.. There must be a scripture or two for this very occasion, as found on page 119 of the little reasoning book, under the heading "ENCOURAGMENT FOR THOSE BEING PERSECUTED FOR DOING GOD'S WILL." They quote:

    Phil. 1:27-29: "Only behave in a manner worthy of the good news about the Christ . . . and in no respect being frightened by your opponents. This very thing is a proof of destruction for them, but of salvation for you; and this indication is from God, because to you the privilege was given in behalf of Christ, not only to put your faith in him, but also to suffer in his behalf."

    What does the record show? In "accordance" with the scriptures, we will warn all the flock to steer clear of the media, and to seperate ourselves from these threats to our spirituality...

    The real question is, which side of the scriptures do they appear to be on? (good or evil)

    Edited by - ItsJustlittleoldme on 17 June 2002 21:57:7

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    god i love reading this stuff from the trenches...

  • avengers

    I wonder how many pedophiles were sitting there listening to the same speech, thinking, rubbing their hands: "Allright guys and gals we now have even more protection from the Gov. Body."?

    The GB has no idea what the issue is, and have no idea that pedophiles will exploit this to the max.

    The safety of the kids will be more at risk as time goes on.

    Or do they know? Maybe this is their purpose to take down as many as they can before they will go down themself?

    The Spiritual Paradise has been substituded by a Pedophile Paradise

    GOD's Organisation. Isn't this just great?

  • Amazing

    Such "Firewalls" work for a while until JWs age and see through it, then they break down causing many to leave the religion. Unfortunately there are enough new converts and young people joining who don't know the WTS history. The Firewall works on them for many years until bitter hard experiences teaches them otherwise. It is a longstanding vicious cycle. Hopefully the Internet will continue to erode the balance of new converts, and the WTS will finally go onto a permanent decline.

  • Lollylou

    They always hit in a suddle way! That's why it's brainwashing! That's why it is a cult! They use physcology to fend off any who want to think independently from the org and make their own thought processing work!

    I agree they are missing the BIG picture!! Protect the CHILDREN!! But no, all they want to protect is the organization and keep the drones in line!

    What a MESS!!

  • blindfool

    He quoted Ephesians 4:32, But become kind to one another, tenderly compassionate, freely forgiving one another just as God also by Christ freely forgave you.

    Well, I guess we should forgive the pedophiles? What about forgiving the other members of the congragation that may have sinned? What about the ones we just disfellowshipped? How about we forgiving members who really make trivial mistakes before we forgive pedophiles.

    I know a witness that was disfellowshipped for spending the night with her fiance a few weeks before her wedding. At what point does the congragation show a little compassion for her?

    How about a witness who struggles to stop smoking? Any tender compassion there?

    The elders I have seen and heard about, wouldn't know tender compassion if it jumped up and bit them on the ass.

  • Pierced Angel
    Pierced Angel

    I work for the media so maybe they have a point about it coming from the devil (and his apostate friends, LOL)

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