Gopher, are you missin out on so much?
nothing very meaty.
Blimey. LOL I don't even know where to start.
"Believe that I Am Who I Am"
Who? A man. God is a man, so go and love Him - and thereby confess that He is a man.
by Mr Bean 17 Replies latest watchtower bible
Gopher, are you missin out on so much?
nothing very meaty.
Blimey. LOL I don't even know where to start.
"Believe that I Am Who I Am"
Who? A man. God is a man, so go and love Him - and thereby confess that He is a man.
Ahhh... see this forum has turned me into a wayward doubter. Yes, I am on the path to hell.... Man, I was so indoctrinated into the JW way of thinking for nearly 4 decades, you just have to pardon me and let me have my open questioning, right or wrong.
If you want to perhaps start another thread on "incontrovertible truths found in your Bible", I promise to read it with an open mind.
HeyMr. Bean,you just not looking at this from the right veiw point.Eventualy,if you repeat WBTS dogma over and over,you will come to the proper way of thinking.That is,not thinking for yourself.Why would you want to think for yourself when WBTS can do it for you?Now get with the program!..LOL...OUTLAW
Edited by - OUTLAW on 17 June 2002 22:31:21
"1924 - 1935 - 1940 - And that the ancient Biblical characters did not return to earth in 1939 despite having a palatial mansion built to house them out of the faithfulls funds. This was later occupied by Judge Rutherford"
I think there must be some mix-ups here. 1924, 1935 and 1940 do not appear on my list of expected dates. And Judge Rutherford did not live in the mansion after noone returned in 1939, he lived there years before that, and 1939 I find nowhere. Couln't you please quote where these dates have appeared? In the extensive list of Stafford, they don't appear either?
: Which doctrine is still taught from Russell' era? Nothing that is unique to modern Jehovah's Witnesses. They like to trumpet their "core doctrines" that Russell taught like no Trinity, no hellfire and soul-sleep, but lots of other religions also teach the same thing. In Russell's day one of his "core doctrines" was that the Great Pyramid was a mouthpiece for God. Then he died. Farkel
By "core doctrine" Farkel means something that the FDS can change without notice, disguising it as "New Light". See Farkel's "Air" post, that explains the technique quite nicely.
Say, Farkel, is the "Invisible Reign of Christ" still happening? I'm not currently too up-to-date with Tower doctrine...?
The few times the WT society has been right, it is usually in disproving a negative -- examples: there is no hellfire, there is no Trinity. These things still make perfect sense to me.
Hey hey hey!!!
So far I don't know anyone who can prove or disprove the hellfire or Trinity.
Believers are still disputing these things and for sure no one can prove one way or another from the Bible.
Another point is: to get an evidence of existence of one or other. I mean, the real evidence.
It is still 50/50. Just check this and other Christian NG's! ;-P
I'm not going to be drawn into any discussion about these subjects though. Simply, I don't have 2000 years to do so. That's how long it can take.
Even if the WTS was right somewhere, tomorrow will be 10 x wrong including good bits because the new light will change everything again.
HeyMr. Bean,you just not looking at this from the right veiw point.Eventualy,if you repeat WBTS dogma over and over,you will come to the proper way of thinking.That is,not thinking for yourself.Why would you want to think for yourself when WBTS can do it for you?Now get with the program!..LOL...OUTLAW
Their brain washing system is seriously flawed because they are changing doctrines more often than Elizabeth Taylor was changing husbands! ;-P
Poor JW's have a big problem to catch up and some are still teaching the old light.
But of course, as has been pointed out on this forum, who really has?
I have for one. And so have others. Things like Passover and our Lord's imprisonment for 6 days during Passover, No Governing body, no one goes to heaven, everyone should partake, Judas did partake, who will be resurrected and why and so forth. Paul was the 12th Apostle not Matthias, the blood letter issue was an error on the part of James who was still keeping the Law that took some 14 years for Paul to correct, to name a few. It got past Paul for a time but he went back to Jerusalem to correct this error.
And I think that Alan is right in that the flood was not global since the term world must be understood in context just as the terms God, heaven, spirit, and "all things" and such must be understood in context.
The truth is out there for anyone really looking for it.