August 2015 Awake! FML

by InjusticeSystem 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • TheOldHippie

    "there have been plenty of demonstrations that bacteria evolved to better exploit the resources in their environment. That is evolution and it's been reproduced in a controlled laboratory environment. Since we can reproduce it, it's obviously observable. "

    Yes. And that is adaption. That is micro-evolution, not macro. Our friend Mr. Bacteria is still Mr. Bacteria.

  • OneEyedJoe
    Yes. And that is adaption. That is micro-evolution, not macro. Our friend Mr. Bacteria is still Mr. Bacteria.

    This statement is like looking at pluto and saying "yes, it's moving, but it's moving so slowly that it'll never complete an orbit of the sun!"

    There is no distinction between small adaptations and evolution other than the timescale.

  • done4good

    Not to derail the thread, but...

    Oubliette - 'm a little confused by the expression "Albert Einstein’s theory of gravity."

    Modern theories of gravitation are generally associated with Isaac Newton, whereas, Einstein is more widely known for his ideas on relativity. Certainly, Einstein's work related to gravity, but to use this expression with its unusual association and not have any explanation for its use just seems odd.

    General relativity = special relativity + gravitational theory.

    Newtonian physics did not take any relativity of spacetime into consideration, hence was superseded by Einstein's, (and later), Shrodinger's work on the quantum side of things.


  • Vidiot

    simon - "They're using a very strict definition of 'scientific theory' that applies more to physics."


    Misdirection, i.e. cheating...


    ...and if you have to cheat to defend your beliefs, your beliefs don't deserve to be defended.

  • thedepressedsoul

    So.... Basically they just said that god and their doctrines don't even have enough evidence to be a theory? Guess 1914 doesn't even deserve to be called a theory.

    I love when they try to redefine words and get very technical. They look so dumb.

  • thedepressedsoul
    Its operation cannot be observed. It cannot be reproduced. And it cannot make accurate predictions.

    Sounds like their religion, beliefs and 1914!

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Yes. And that is adaption. That is micro-evolution, not macro - is micro-evolution not good enough?

  • Oubliette
    done4good, I think you proved my point. Thanks!
  • opusdei1972

    It is plenty clear that the species "appeared" gradually in this planet, and the homo sapiens was the last one. Before him, there were other homo species with some intelligence.

    However, if we read the second chapter of the book of Genesis, the man was the first created being on earth, then the other beings appeared magically. The Watchtower does not want to admit that this second chapter is another account of the creation which was overlapped with the first one.

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