Your View On Capital Punishment

by Dutchie 94 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dutchie

    We all know the Bible's view on capital punishment. In fact, in the 1969 edition of Aid To Bible Understanding, the author notes the following:

    "The value of life is considered so sacred by God that the blood of a murdered person is viewed by him as defiling the earth and such defilement can be cleansed only by shedding the blood of the murdered. On this basis the Bible authorizes capital punishment for murder, through duly constituted authority. In ancient Israel no ransom could be taken to deliver the deliberate murdered from the death penalty."

    When we were practicing Jehovahs Witnesses I think we all believed in capital punishment and we were taught that an "eye for an eye" was the righteous way. However, since we are no longer under the control of that cult, do you still believe in capital punishment?

    Edited by - Dutchie on 18 June 2002 17:25:43

  • Naeblis

    Let he without sin inject the first convict.

  • mike047

    I don't agree with abortion so I guess I can't condone capital punishment. Serving extremely cruel and adruous time in prison would make a more lasting impression.....Sort of like the HELL FIRE treatment.


  • joeshmoe

    I'm only now trying to reevaluate my beliefs with my own eyes and not those given me by the society.

    As a witness, with God watching and reading hearts, I wasn't that worried about whether a person was considered innocent or not in this world, knowing that God would make all things right.

    Nooowwww. I dunno know. Check back when I've decided if there is a God.

    Seriously, I need to give this some thought. Thanks for introducing the topic.

  • ISP

    Not quite Dutchie

    On this basis the Bible authorizes capital punishment for murder

    Mannasseh , David and OJ Simpson got away with it.


    Edited by - ISP on 18 June 2002 20:18:26

  • 144thousand_and_one


    Even when I was subjected to forced meeting attendance and witnessing, I never believed in capital punishment or the message of the Watchtower. Nothing has changed for me. Although I really don't have any pity for most who are executed (except those who are innocent), I think capital punishment is wrong, and two wrongs don't make a right.

    The case of Timothy McVeigh demonstrates that the death penalty can in some cases be a preferrable alternative to life in prison. No punishment could ever rectify the horrendous crime McVeigh committed. McVeigh won his battle (he wanted to be executed); instead of spending the rest of his years as the anal prostitute of the jail he got security treatment on death row, and his death was absolutely painless, except for the emotional trauma associated with knowing the exact date, time, and method by which he would be put to death. Death is certainly a favorable alternative to a lifetime of imprisonment.

  • LizardSnot

    In a recent interview, General Norman Schwartzkopf was asked if he didn't think there was room for forgiveness toward the people who have harbored and abetted the terrorists who perpetrated the 9/11 attacks on America.

    His answer was classic Schwartzkopf. He said, "I believe that forgiving them is God's function. Our job is simply to arrange the meeting."


  • Amazing

    In principle I agree with Capital Punishment only in cases of rape and murder ... when a person wantonly takes life, as did Timothy McVeigh, is proven guilty by evdience including his own free admission - with no remorse - then just kill the guy, and stop all the self-righteous handwringing ... he has lost his right to live.

    The problem, is that in cases not so clear-cut, then the chances of executing the wrong person increase significantly in proportion to the amount of solid evidence vs circumstantial ... and if the accused totally denies guilt, and evidence is not 100% conclusive, then life in prison is the best option.

    Hypocrisy: I find the anti-death penalty camp to be hypocritical on this issue. They act all self-righteous about not being as bad as the convicted and demand life in prison for them is the more civilize way ... they charge the USA for example, with being a savage nation because we still have the death penalty, equating us with the perverse and as yet evolved People's Communist Republic of China ... we are far better than China an d the charge is wicked.

    Yet, these same people have no objection to self-defense in war ... WAR is Capital Punishment PAR EXCELLENCE ... no judge, no jury, no defense lawyers ... just kill or be killed ... killing people who likely never harmed us personally ... yet, failure to fight back would mean our own sure destruction ... for if the anti-death penalty camp is true to its core belief, then when a nation is invaded, it should just sit abck and yield to the invaders ... when a criminal invades your home, just sit there, and let him rape and kill your wife, because to defend yourself and stopping the guy - which usually means shotting him - you may commit the evil act of execution ... but the anti-death penalty crowd accepts this savage and brutal means of killing and self-imposed form of the death penalty ... yet ...

    If a man rapes and tortures children, oh No!!! ... they have to be 'oh so nice' and put the 'poor little criminal' in prison for life, because to kill the SOB means that somehow the State is bad and evil because execution is savage and mean-spirited ... well ... why?! ... Why is execution of the guilty child rapist-murderer so mean? Kill the bastard and spit on his grave ... Tim McVeigh, for example, has been dead now a year ... good ridence to that little cult bastard weasel who brutally and wantonly murdered innocent people, mothers and children and babies included, all in the name of his personal ideology ... spit on McVeigh's grave ... thank God he is dead. Justice in the most civilized manner was served!

    Just make sure we truly have the guilty party ... that is all I believe is necessary ... and it must be 100% certain wihtout question, doubt, or fear that we have got the bad guy ... because with the same vigor, I hate the idea that the State, we the people, would kill an innocent person in the name of Justice.

    Well, hope I did not offend anyone ... but I feel strongly about this issue ... I could careless about what the Bible says ... it is about justice, sure and complete ... but totally just, nonetheless. And while I speak strongly, I do respect the opposing opinins ... honest, I do ... I just cannot accept or understand the opposing views on this one issue.

    Edited by - Amazing on 18 June 2002 18:14:19

    Edited by - Amazing on 18 June 2002 18:16:25

  • ISP

    On the McVeigh case.....don't you think there was more people involved? It seemed the FBI had papers on that and McVeigh was trying to get that out. Killing at the time they did...silenced it all.


  • StinkyPantz

    I'm all for capital punishment. I think if you take a life (unless it's an accident) then you should give yours in return. I also think that in the case of a peron killed during a DUI, that that person should be put down also.

    I also realize that the big argument is "what if we kill an innocent person"? Well, our justice system is thorough and if that does happen, it's rare.

    All I know is that if someone rapes and kills my child I want them dead. Many murderers are out in 7 years!!! That is inexcusable!

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