JWs and Honesty

by MoeJoJoJo 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • MoeJoJoJo

    Are JWs really all that honest like they like to claim?

    In my personal experience, I don't think so. I believe they are just like anyone else and don't "stand out" in respect to their honesty, as they like to claim. I was raised a JW and I have met some who are habitual liars and others who will lie to get out of a bad situation.

    Recent experience: We've been renting a home in another state to a JW family-they've lived there seven months (the husband is an ELDER, BTW). We expect the rent payment the first of the month. Guess what? No rent check yet, as of today the 19th. Now I understand that people can fall into some bad times, we've experienced those ourselves. They usually have been on time with the payment, (I don't care if we don't get the check on the 1st because they have to mail it, but we like to see it postmarked by the first) sometimes they have been a couple of days late.

    Anyways, my husband called last Thursday to see where the check was and he spoke to the elder who said it was 'in the mail'. On Monday I received a letter from family who lives in the same town as our renters, it was postmarked Saturday the 15th. So where's the rent check? If it was 'in the mail' on Thursday then we should have rec'd it before now.

    Ok so it could be lost in the mail, that's a possibility. But being such "honest and upstanding citizens", why didn't they call US to let us know it would be late. I'm not so irritated that it is late, just that he wasn't honest with us.

    Like I said before, in my life-long experience in being in association with JWs, I believe they are just like anyone else and will lie if they need to.

  • blondie

    I never do business with JWs or family.

  • RedhorseWoman

    Some JWs are honest, others are not. Just like everybody else in the world. The only difference is that JWs boast about their honesty as if it is a given. You are JW....you are honest. You are worldy....you are quite likely to be dishonest. Advertising and marketing.

    In contrast to this, we have a house that we rent to "worldly" people. The rent is due on the 15th of the month. One month, the check was about 6 days late, so we called. The renter said that she had mailed the check, but since it might have gotten lost, she sent another one out immediately to replace the lost one.

    Her original check eventually arrived. She had put the wrong zip code on the envelope, and it was delivered to a town with the same name as ours, but in a different state. By the time it got back to the correct address, almost three weeks had gone by.

    In the meantime, however, she had sent out the replacement check as she had promised, and we simply tore up the lost check when it arrived, and let her know what the problem was.

  • joeshmoe

    Perhaps you should print out the latest WT article on business dealings or lying/cheating. They can be very self-righteous and I enjoy throwing that back at witnesses (like the many articles they've written to defend the WT against labels, like when they are called a "cult". I like to use those when others discredit everything I say becuase I'm "apostate").

  • writerpen

    I'm going to step out on a limb here and reveal something about myself.

    I was a Witness until age 29. I pioneered, attended all the meetings, and was a member of every "click." But when I was 15, I started stealing and didn't know why. It continued until last August when after one year of working with a therapist, I decided to come clean, as I had been embezzling from my employer for two years. She helped me leave the organization, by not allowing the elders to take me through so many changes (they were beating my door down after my name appeared in several newspapers). I took that dear woman's advice and refused all their meetings, despite the mental turmoil that being disfellowshipped caused. My sentencing date was this past March, seven months since I confessed to my crime and returned all the money taken. I almost landed myself in prison, but the judge saw the strides I had made and reduced my crime to misdemeanor. Throughout my case, my team of mental health professionals stated that the "religion" and its abusive ways was the primary reason for the stealing, along with the beatings and sexual abuse dished out during childhood - all the while attending the KH. To your question -no Witnesses are not the most honest people in the world, just like they are not the "happiest" people either. Since leaving, I've stopped stealing, cutting myself, and am trying so hard to overcome bulimia. For the first time in my life, I know what "happiness" is!

  • SpiceItUp


    good for you!!

    I agree that dubs are like any body else...there are some that are honest and some that aren't.

  • TR

    I agree MoJo.

    My past business dealings with JWs has been less than satisfactory. Sold some item to a 'hovah couple with the promise that it would be paid by a certain date. Didn't happen. Had to gently remind them several times after the due date. Bought a truck from some a(elder) 'hovah that was supposed to be in great mechanical shape. A week later, I ended up rebuilding the motor and transmission. I can't think of one transaction with a 'hovah that went good.

    The way I look at it, a good reputation in the community is very valuable. I won't do business with people/companies that are constantly late paying their bills. Personally, I care what people think of me, and don't want people running around telling others that TR is a bad risk. So I do everything possible to prevent that from happening by being honest and fair with people I come in contact with.


  • joeshmoe

    The witnesses aren't better than anyone else, they just like to brag that they are.

    Where they have helped people to make changes for the better morally, and there's no question they have, their record is no better than that of many other organizations and volunteer groups. And at what cost has it come to those who have become Witnesses? And how genuine is it when forced by coersion, peer pressure, and loss of personal freedom?

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    'To err is human.'I never make promises I cannot keep. You have a valid point. When your in business you get to learn quicky how you can be taken, witnesses or not.

    Guest 77


    Dubs are as honest or dishonest depending on the person,as anyone else.The difference is,even the honest ones will cover up for dishonest ones if JW`s are shown in a bad light to the rest of the world.Making the honest ones accesories to the dishonest.So on any given day a usualy honest dub may participate in being dishonest.So in answer to your question:Dub`s are as honest as they have to be,it just depends on whats in it for them...OUTLAW


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