In order to not be like the bad ones myself, I'd like to mention that thru the years I was happified by the personal kindness and thoughtfulness of Art Garcia, Don Campbell, and Ron Coldiron. Also a few special elders in the congregations that were not into being lofty.
I got a kick out of one named Timothy Brooks, in his fifties, who was from North Carolina, had a great pompadour, was very tall, and had a booming voice with a North Carolina accent. When he was talking from the platform he was very captivating, and he not only sounded like and talked with a Billy Graham accent and preaching style he even LOOKED like him.
I enjoyed his talks because he seemed more like Billy Graham than JW's, who I guess I was already tiring out from. My wife, a powerful little lady in her own right, was always overpowered by his presence and felt exhausted after his talks.