Hi again,
I'm writing this here because I need someone to talk to, and you're the only folks I know who will understand. Most of the time I think I'm a pretty happy and together person, but lately, I'll see something that reminds me of my family and I'll spontaneously start crying. I miss them so much and my heart keeps breaking, and even though I have kind people I work and volunteer with, I feel so incredibly lonely sometimes.
The last few days, I've felt a strong desire to go back. Except that deep down, I know I can't. I can't un-know what I know, I can't lie to myself or to them. But sometimes it's so tempting to. I long to call them just to hear their voices again, even if it's them being angry or guilt-inducing with me.
My days have been merging together into long stretches of work and sleep. Sometimes I wonder what the point of fighting so hard is, what the point to existence is. Last month, I injured myself and at the hospital, there was no one close enough to me to be concerned. It sort of drove the point home for me that my existence has so little impact that if I disappeared tomorrow, no one would miss me. No one would be sad.
I'm sorry to be so depressing,I know everyone on here has their own sorrows.
I guess I'm hoping you'll share with me what meaning and joy you've found in your lives since you've left. I could use some hope.
with love, Miss B