Bible is wrong, WT is right

by Nowhere 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Nowhere

    Bible's view: Women can hold positions in the congregation.

    Proof? Ro 16:1

    WT's view: Women cannot hold positions in the congregation.

    Why? Because the Bible is "evidently" wrong.

    Insight on the scriptures: "Although Phoebe is mentioned (Ro 16:1) as a 'minister', it is evident that she was not an appointed female ministral servant in the congregation."

    Summary: The Bible is "evidently" wrong. And here is were you start to think: which more parts of the Bible is "evidently" wrong?

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    It looks as though your getting somewhere Nowhere.

    The novice said to the Master, "I'm looking for fruit", and the Master replied, "Try shaking the trees".


  • Farkel

    : as a 'minister', it is evident that she was not an appointed female ministral servant in the congregation."

    No, it's not "evident" you asswipe Pharisees in Brooklyn.


  • Yerusalyim

    The Greek word is SERVANT from my reading of it. And while I have no problem with women having some positions in the Church, the bible does address the issue of women taking "the lead" to use a JW term.

  • dungbeetle

    yeru: care to back up your claims? (women taking the lead?)

    hint: Jesus and Paul DID not speak English.

    Dungbeetle: of the 'rubbing hands together anticipating an easy victory becasue I know my WOMEN and the BIBLE subject' klass.

  • Nowhere

    Ro 16:1
    I commend unto you Phebe our sister, which is a servant of the church which is at Cenchrea:

    KJV New Testament
    Greek Lexicon

    Strong's Number: 1249
    Original WordWord Origin
    diakonoprobably from an obsolete diako (to run on errands, cf (1377))
    Transliterated WordTDNT Entry
    Phonetic SpellingParts of Speech
    dee-ak'-on-os Noun
    1. one who executes the commands of another, esp. of a master, a servant, attendant, minister
      1. the servant of a king
      2. a deacon, one who, by virtue of the office assigned to him by the church, cares for the poor and has charge of and distributes the money collected for their use
      3. a waiter, one who serves food and drink
      King James Word Usage
      minister 20
      servant 8
      deacon 3
    2. Yerusalyim


      If you can show me biblically that women were heads of congregations then I'll gladly retract my statement.

    3. Nowhere

      Yerusalyim: Ro 16:1 ?

    4. Robert_V_Frazier

      2 John 1:1, see also 2 John 1:13 if you think the former verse is an alegory for the Church.

    5. MrBusyShortz


      If you can show me biblically that women were heads of congregations then I'll gladly retract my statement.>>

      When Paul made his introduction of Phebe, I believe that Paul was introducing her as a deaconness of the Church in CenChrea. The term deaconness is someone who is a Christian teacher or servant of the Church. Deaconness does also mean pastor.

      I believe that women play a key role in leadership because that is their responsibility to nurture the family (Children) at home. This is very difficult today due to both the man and wife having to devote time to employment outside of the home.

      They can also do this, teach and nurture, in Church through Sunday school for example. So, In my mind, Women do play a very key role in leadership positions that men do not function that well in. My opinion of course.

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