Looking back over 3,000 years..oops, sorry, posts!

by ozziepost 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    G'day all,

    Do you find that some days you feel just a tad old? Mention passing 3,000 and you start to feel the winter chill in your bones. But as I look back over my posting life here, I can reminisce and think of how far the road has brought us.

    How much has changed? How much stays just the same? Well, I've made some progress, how's about you? This is how I started on this board, under the topic of Tertullian Reinstated!:

    Each week on H20 this poster from Oz makes comment on the current week's Watchtower Study.

    May I commence my postings here with this post that has appeared on H20 by not looking at a scriptural teaching (so called) but a teaching of the Watchtower nonetheless. The study is from the Xmas Issue (December 15) "Stand Complete With Firm Conviction".

    It is understood among JWs that shortly after the death and martyrdom of the apostles that apostasy set into the Christian congregation. The man of lawlessness was at work even in Paul's time. The apostles served to restrain his actions, but after the death of the last apostle, John, no longer was there any restraint.

    The early Church Fathers, i.e. church leaders of the second and third centuries, are not revered or even respected among JWs. For them is the ignimony of being part of apostasy.

    It comes as a surprise, then, to see this week's study article lead off with mention of Tertullian as a "writer" (yes, but what else?) and let him be a witness in support of the Watchtower contention of the concern that early Christians showed to the orphans, poor, and elderly.

    Don't the Witnesses teach that we are not to have anything to do with apostates, not even sharing a greeting with them? Yet here in this article we are quoting one who was not a "true Christian".

    Interestingly the question on this paragraph reads: "OUTSIDERS noted what about the early Christians?"

    Another inconsistency from the pens of the Writing Dept.

    For those interested in what the Writing Dept have written of Tertullian in recent years, here is a sample.

    1. Tertullian the first to use the word trinitas
    2. Tertullian a leading writer and church theologian
    3. Tertullian and others decide on the completion of the Bible canon.

    After reading them, please consider whether you might be interested in what other church fathers such as Ignatius, Polycarp, Justin, Athenagoras, and Irenaeus wrote.

    Ozzie (who is amazed how Joe Ratherflawed got the place of Justin Martyr)

    *** Watchtower 1992 April 1st issue pages 28-9
    Part 3-Did the Apologists Teach the Trinity Doctrine? ***
    Tertullians Theology

    Tertullian (c. 160 to 230 C.E.) was the first to use the Latin word trinitas. As noted by Henry Chadwick, Tertullian proposed that God is one substance consisting in three persons. 25 This does not mean, however, that he had in mind three coequal and coeternal persons. However, his ideas were built upon by later writers who were working toward the Trinity doctrine.

    Tertullians concept of Father, Son, and holy spirit was a far cry from Christendoms Trinity, for he was a subordinationist. He viewed the Son as subordinate to the Father. In Against Hermogenes he wrote:
    We should not suppose that there is any other being than God alone who is unbegotten and uncreated. . . . How can it be that anything, except the Father, should be older, and on this account indeed nobler, than the Son of God, the only-begotten and first-begotten Word? . . . That [God] which did not require a Maker to give it existence, will be much more elevated in rank than that [the Son] which had an author to bring it into being. 26

    Also, in Against Praxeas, he shows that the Son is different from and subordinate to Almighty God by saying:
    The Father is the entire substance, but the Son is a derivation and portion of the whole, as He Himself acknowledges: My Father is greater than I. . . . Thus the Father is distinct from the Son, being greater than the Son, inasmuch as He who begets is one, and He who is begotten is another; He, too, who sends is one, and He who is sent is another; and He, again, who makes is one, and He through whom the thing is made is another. 27

    Tertullian, in Against Hermogenes, states further that there was a time when the Son did not exist as a person, showing that he did not regard the Son as an eternal being in the same sense that God was. 28 Cardinal Newman said: Tertullian must be considered heterodox [believing unorthodox doctrines] on the doctrine of our Lords eternal generation. 29 Regarding Tertullian, Lamson declares:
    This reason, or Logos, as it was called by the Greeks, was afterwards, as Tertullian believed, converted into the Word, or Son, that is, a real being, having existed from eternity only as an attribute of the Father. Tertullian assigned to him, however, a rank subordinate to the Father . . .
    Judged according to any received explanation of the Trinity at the present day, the attempt to save Tertullian from condemnation [as a heretic] would be hopeless. He could not stand the test a moment. 30

    *** "Trinity brochure" pages 5-6 Is It Clearly a Bible Teaching? ***

    The Catholic Encyclopedia also comments: In Scripture there is as yet no single term by which the Three Divine Persons are denoted together. The word  [tri'as] (of which the Latin trinitas is a translation) is first found in Theophilus of Antioch about A. D. 180. . . . Shortly afterwards it appears in its Latin form of trinitas in Tertullian.

    However, this is no proof in itself that Tertullian taught the Trinity. The Catholic work TrinitasA Theological Encyclopedia of the Holy Trinity, for example, notes that some of Tertullians words were later used by others to describe the Trinity. Then it cautions: But hasty conclusions cannot be drawn from usage, for he does not apply the words to Trinitarian theology.

    *** "Insight on the Scriptures- Vol.1 page 409
    Canon ***Christian Greek Scriptures.
    The writing as well as the collecting of the 27 books comprising the canon of the Christian Greek Scriptures was similar to that of the Hebrew Scriptures.

    Christ gave gifts in men, yes, he gave some as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelizers, some as shepherds and teachers. (Eph 4:8, 11-13) With Gods holy spirit on them they set forth sound doctrine for the Christian congregation and, by way of a reminder, repeated many things already written in the Scriptures.2Pe 1:12, 13; 3:1; Ro 15:15.

    Outside the Scriptures themselves there is evidence that, as early as 90-100 C.E., at least ten of Pauls letters were collected together. It is certain that at an early date Christians were gathering together the inspired Christian writings.

    We read that near the close of the 1st cent., Clement bishop of Rome was acquainted with Pauls letter to the church at Corinth. After him, the letters of both Ignatius bishop of Antioch and Polycarp bishop of Smyrna attest the dissemination of the Pauline letters by the second decade of the 2nd century. (The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, edited by G. W. Bromiley, 1979, Vol. 1, p. 603) These were all early writersClement of Rome (30?-100? C.E.), Polycarp (69?-155? C.E.), and Ignatius of Antioch (late 1st and early 2nd centuries C.E.)who wove in quotations and extracts from various books of the Christian Greek Scriptures, showing their acquaintance with such canonical writings.

    Justin Martyr (died c. 165 C.E.) in his Dialogue With Trypho, a Jew (XLIX), used the expression it is written when quoting from Matthew, in the same way the Gospels themselves do when referring to the Hebrew Scriptures. The same is also true in an earlier anonymous work, The Epistle of Barnabas (IV). Justin Martyr in The First Apology (LXVI, LXVII) calls the memoirs of the apostles Gospels.The Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. I, pp. 220, 139, 185, 186.

    Theophilus of Antioch (2nd century C.E.) declared: Concerning the righteousness which the law enjoined, confirmatory utterances are found both with the prophets and in the Gospels, because they all spoke inspired by one Spirit of God. Theophilus then uses such expressions as says the Gospel (quoting Mt 5:28, 32, 44, 46; 6:3) and the divine word gives us instructions (quoting 1Ti 2:2 and Ro 13:7, 8).The Ante-Nicene Fathers, 1962, Vol. II, pp. 114, 115, Theophilus to Autolycus (XII, XIII).

    By the end of the second century there was no question but that the canon of the Christian Greek Scriptures was closed, and we find such ones as Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, and Tertullian recognizing the writings comprising the Christian Scriptures as carrying authority equal to that of the Hebrew Scriptures.

    Irenaeus in appealing to the Scriptures makes no fewer than 200 quotations from Pauls letters. Clement says he will answer his opponents by the Scriptures which we believe are valid from their omnipotent authority, that is, by the law and the prophets, and besides by the blessed Gospel.The Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. II, p. 409, The Stromata, or Miscellanies.

    Serious, wasn't it? But then, I was a serious guy who was used to working (serving?) with serious Bethelites. But I did lighten up a couple of days later with this, under the heading of Should Christians drink cappucino?:

    Should a true Christian drink a cappucino?

    Perhaps you have never considered the matter, but what are the origins of this popular beverage?

    The name cappucino is derived from the word to describe the bones of 4,000 Capuchin friars in Rome, Italy. A visit to Rome may bring you to the Capuchin Crypt.

    This is the description given in the book Lets Go Western Europe (St Martins Press):
    Under the heading TOO MUCH CAPPUCINO WILL DO THE SAME TO YOU it reads,
    The bones of 4,000 Capuchin friars (for whom cappucino is named) decorate the four rooms of the Church of LImmacolata Conceziones Capuchin Crypt, one of the most bizarre and elaborately macabre settings in Rome. A French monk inaugurated the crypt in 1528, but never saw his brilliant concept brought to its completion because the crypt was not finished until 1870. Angels deck the halls, with hip bones serving as wings. The bodies of more recently dead friars stand, robed and hooded, beneath bone arches. Even the hanging lights are made of bones. Dirt was shipped in especially from Jerusalem to line the floors. The last chapel displays two severed arms with mummy-like skin hanging on the back wall. Also featured in this chapel is a childs skeleton plastered to the ceiling, holding a scale and a reaper, and accompanied by the uplifting inscription: What you are now we used to be, what we are now you will be.

    Could it be that this beverages origins have escaped the notice of the F&DS, for instaed of alerting the readers to its unsavoury origins, the Awake! Magazine of November 8, 1967, on page 22 gave instructions for making the drink. In case any readers missed getting the instructions, here they are from the Awake! Magazine:

    Instructions for Foaming Milk
    To foam and/or steam milk for cappuccinos and lattes, you will need a steel pitcher, cold milk, and a milk steamer. If your espresso maker does not include a wand for milk steaming, you can purchase a stand-alone device for this purpose.
    1. Fill a steel pitcher no more than halfway with cold milk.
    2. Place the steam wand just under the surface of the milk, and open the steam valve.
    3. Keep the tip of the wand barely under the surface, lowering the pitcher and incorporating more air as you foam.
    4. The ideal temperature is usually reached when the pitcher becomes too hot to touch.
    5. Close the steam valve, and remove the pitcher from under it. Then open the steam valve to clear any remaining milk, and wipe it with a damp cloth.

    This may seem harmless, but is inconsistent with the views taken on other matters and customs where their origins are highlighted in the publications to warn true Christians to avoid them.

    Take as an example, this one from the Awake! Of January 8, 1985, on page 27:
    Under the heading Why the Clinking of Glasses? It reads:

    Have you ever noticed people at parties or in restaurants clinking their beverage glasses before taking a drink? If you asked them why they did this, most of them could not give you an answer. Or they may feel it is a harmless act among friends.

    However, they may be surprised to learn that it is an ancient superstitious custom. According to the American Library Association, thousands of years ago people had the ridiculous notion that when they took a drink the Devil could enter their bodies through their open mouth. And they actually believed that this evil spirit could be frightened by noise. So to avoid this danger they noisily banged their goblets. In Europe, drinkers still bash their beer steins or make the sign of the cross. And some primitive people, including certain Africans, will ring bells before downing their drinks.

    So, its wrong to clink glasses because of some connection with something in the distant past, but the same does not apply to drinking cappucino.

    You might be able to think of other examples of things or customs that are discouraged or even outlawed for JWs because of past connections.

    One of these would be the cross on which Jesus is believed by many to have died.
    The Reasoning book on page 92 makes this comment:

    How would you feel if one of your dearest friends was executed on the basis of false charges? Would you make a replica of the instrument of execution? Would you cherish it, or would you rather shun it?

    However you believe Jesus died, the above quoted principle would apply. Yet why does it not apply to the cappucino?

    Perhaps too many brothers and sisters like to imbibe this tasty drink, and for it to be banned would create huge problems perhaps?

    How refreshing to read Pauls words at Romans 14:1-4:

    Welcome the [man] having weaknesses in [his] faith, but not to make decisions on inward questionings. One [man] has faith to eat everything, but the [man] who is weak eats vegetables. Let the one eating not look down on the one not eating, and let the one not eating not judge the one eating, for God has welcomed that one. Who are you to judge the house servant of another? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for Jehovah can make him stand.

    Ozzie (a clinker from way back, but who prefers a short black to a cappo)

    Well, I was still serious, even though in a lighter vein.

    What about now? I'm still serious, very serious, when it comes to the borg, but at least I can show a lighter side. Thanks be to the freedom that we now enjoy.

    So, on my little "anniversary", I say cheers to youse all with a great glass of shiraz (Australian of course!)


    Edited by - ozziepost on 20 June 2002 20:16:1

  • Dutchie

    Wow Ozziepost! 3000 posts. Hearty congratulations to you!

  • ashitaka

    Hey oz, on your 3000th, just wanted to say that you're one of the people I always click on to read....thanks


  • safe4kids

    Ozzie, congrats on your 3000 posts. I think that there may be some reservations you have about me, based on past "stuff", but I must say that I've always enjoyed your posts and consider you a fair and decent person.

    Take care,


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Congratulations, Ozzie, and here's to at least 30.000 more! Cheers!

  • Reborn2002

    Congratulations Ozzie.

    I always look forward to your Polls.

    Here's to another 3,000!

  • BeautifulGarbage


    You have such a calming presence here.

    Best wishes to you!


  • Beck_Melbourne


    Thanks for sharing that....I have always enjoyed your posts and your warm and kind responses. You have made my visits to this DB a pleasant one, and althought I don't always have time to respond on some of your threads, I always read them.

    Thank you 3000 times.

    Looking forward to seeing you Sunday


  • Beck_Melbourne

    Sorry guys....I was seeing double for a second.


    Edited by - Beck_Melbourne on 19 June 2002 23:56:55

  • Princess

    Here's to Ozzie on his 3000 posts!!!! <<clinks cappucino glass noisily>>>Today is my one year anniversary on the board. I just don't have as much to say...only in the 740s.

    I always enjoy your posts and look forward to 3000 more.


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