
by teejay 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cassiline


    You know when I read your post I did not think your message had a thing to do with food. Or perhaps I read too much into things. I thought it had to do with disagreements and such. Who knows its late and I'm probably going crazy.

    (((((((((( teejay ))))))))) Hope to hear from you soon. Take care of your knee and your spirit. Keep that head up!

  • Reborn2002

    I have to agree with Lisa on this one.


    I tried chitlins and tripe before.. and it was ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING.

    I will stick to red meat, fish, and chicken thank you very much.

  • Sunspot

    Nice post Teejay! I totally agree!

    LDH, that "chirrens" term instantly brought back a warm memory of a sister Clemons in Beckley, WV. She was a sweet, short, chubby, black sister with lots of "chirren" of her own.....and ALWAYS generously doled out those great hugs as well!

    Back in the early 70's, we invited a young brother who had fallen on hard times to live with us until he could get on his feet. He taught me how to cook collards and hocks, among other things (no chitlins though!) I'd never heard of either one back then.....

    Right now I have collards in my garden almost up to 2" tall.......I LOVE the doggone things!

    Who says ya can't teach an old (Irish) dog new tricks?



  • Cowboy

    I'm with Lisa....I don't do organ meats.Eating liver and kidneys is kinda like putting in a water filter,then eating the filter.Especially from a store or restauraunt...if I raised it,I might,but I don't like it anyway.

    Cowboy(another southern boy,proud to have passed on the chitlins)

    edited for spelling,as usual-lol

    Edited by - Cowboy on 20 June 2002 3:46:37

  • Simon

    Uuurgh ... GROSS !

    At least I know now never to order those ...

  • kaykay_mp

    being from the great state of tennessee, and being of a black heritage, stereotypically i would like chitterlings.

    and its true!! I LOVE CHITLINS!!!!!

    i move back to the states in october and i cant wait!! the first thing that im going to ask my mother to do is go to kroger and buy a big red tub of chitlins....i miss the smell (even though it smells like shit.) then im going to take the left-overs, roll them in seasoned self-rising flour, and fry them.

    oh, god. i think im going to drool.

    wait a minute, i am drooling.

    (for those of you dont know how to get rid of the smell if you are thinking about trying them....just boil a pot of vinegar and water for a while.)

  • Prisca
    Chitlins (chitterlings) are the intestines of pigs -- parts of the animal that certain folks in my culture cook up and eat.


    Well, there you go. You learn something new every day!

  • Francois

    Chicharrones? Now that's pork rinds, fried. And very good, too. Especially salted with a nice cold brewski!!

    I guess after reading all this thread that you all wouldn't be interested in coming over for some hagis? That is, the lungs, liver, and kidneys of a sheep - sewed up in the sheep's stomach and boiled.

    And Simon, I thought you Brits liked steak and kidney pie? Not so? Every British pub over here in Atlanta, and there are a bunch of 'em, all serve some Americanized version of it. But they call it "steak and stout" pie. I guess they leave out the kidneys.

    And NEWS FLASH - I finally had some spotted dick the other night at the Fox & Hounds here in Atlanta. It was really good. Now I'm after some Toad in a Hole - whatever that is!

    I'm all for prandial advernture !!! (But not so in favor of it that I'm gonna eat some pig's chocolate channel.)


  • teejay

    A week or two ago I read a letter written by a JW. I'll call her Sister Sincere. Her letter warmly but firmly beseeched the governing body to follow the Catholic Church's lead and come clean on the pedophile issue and do what they can to make it right.

    Real or not, it was a very powerful letter. I couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for Sister Sincere as she pleaded for God's Mouthpiece to wise up. She has a good heart and frankly, I liked what she wrote. I liked it a lot.

    So, I shared it with my sister.

    You know... the one who hasn't been to the Hall in years but defends "the brothers" tooth and nail although she's one of the biggest independent thinking people I know, even going so far as living with a man for years that she wasn't married to.

    Anyway, I wasn't trying to start nuthin' when I sent her the letter. Like I said, I just liked a lot of what Sister Sincere brought up and thought my sister would like it. Man, was *I* wrong! She lit into me like an F5 tornado, saying that she wasn't interested in no Dateline; people all over the world (and yes, even kids) get dumped on so what you really need to do is "get over it." She wanted to know how I knew that hundreds of children may have been molested and then protected by the wt policy (I gave her Bill's site), etc., etc., etc., blah, blase blah.

    About two emails later, she'd had enough I guess and came right out and told me that "as for the rest of the bullshit. yea, it pisses me off that all y'all can sit back and say what y'all think should happen. but until it actually happens, all of you need to just shut the fuck up."

    Sorry for the language, but it's important to include exactly what she said since my sister don't cuss. She did *then*. She damn near got violent in her disdain for my concern about the issue. True, I'm not a JW and normally couldn't care less about what those people do, but as I explained to her, this issue is different. I told her that every single person alive - JW or not - had every right to be concerned about innocent kids being violated by evil men and, because of wt policy, getting away with it.

    She didn't back off one inch from her... um... admonition.

    So, I told her that I respected her position. Her sons are old enough to fend for themselves and besides, they never set foot in any kingdom hall, anyway. I did tell her, though, that I thought her attitude was cold and heartless, that it smacked of "that ain't MY problem 'cause my boys is jussss... fiiiine," but she was within her rights to have it.

    I then told her that folks like me were also without our right to have concern, talk about, and even become active in ways that will rectify the problem and she should respect THAT.

    Different strokes for different folks, y'all. Some folks like chitlins. Some don't.

    Edited by - teejay on 20 June 2002 21:47:25

  • Valis

    Nothing like getting messianic w/some chitlins...ick.


    District Overbeer

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