Let's talk about my kids (or "pets" i...

by joeshmoe 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • joeshmoe

    Whew! I was just reading an earlier thread on disciplining kids. Exhuasting!

    My kids come in the four-legged variety with floppy ears and wagging tails. I've got two and they're both misfits.

    Part one of this comic combo is a golden retriever...with three legs. We found it after it had been hit by a car and had to have one of it's back legs amputated. I know, you're probably thinking I'm mean to think this is funny. This dog, however, is incredibly well adjusted since this happened when it was just a year old or so. It's fast as all get out and can turn on a dime (she just puts her bum on the ground like a brake pad and spins around.. funniest thing you ever saw in your whole life!). I call her Tripod, which in addition to being descriptive, also makes my neighbors stare in disbelief when I go out to call her. They think I'm the meanest person on earth.

    Part two is a...wait for it...pit bull/chiwawa mix. Yes, you read that correctly. She's deadly if you're under 2 feet tall. I swear you've never seen anything like it. She has the snapping jaw and huge shoulder muscles of a pit bull...but stands a whopping 8 inches high. Hilarious. Seems a female chiwawa slipped in with a pit bull that someone was breeding for fights. The owner gave the result to my grandma and i inherited it. The funny thing is, if you look sideways at the thing, it'll run under the nearest furniture, pee leaking out all the way. It was aptly named by my grandma Honeybaby. Talk about setting a dog up to get picked on by the other dogs.

    Anyway, those are my two "kids". So who else on the board has kids like mine? I'd love to know. Even those of you with feline variations are welcome...with my sympathies of course.


  • HomebutHiding

    Ok Joe, you asked for it. I have 2 Poms. different as night and day. Bert is male, 5.5 lbs...red, fluffy, and doesn't believe he isn't a wolf. He considers himself to be ferocious. nasty little teddy bear. then there is his little sister (not litter mates...just sibs by adoption) She is pure black, sweet, dainty, prissy. Her name is Tina, and she weighs in at a whopping 3.7 pounds. everyone who sees her instantly adores her, and she, above all, knows she is adorable. Then there's Sarge. He is a big black something. 78 lbs...an orphan who wandered into our yard a few yrs back and decided to stay. He is a big baby, who doesn't realize he is any larger than the other two. If I sit down, all 3 kids pile into my lap. They all sleep in the bed, and I have suffered many a cramp, not rolling over in order to avoid disturbing my sleeping beauties. They have been wonderful friends...and I do kiss them and let them kiss me!

  • joeshmoe


    you know, I like purebreeds, but I LOVE mutts! I think I'd love your Sarge. He sounds like a hoot!

  • Dutchie

    "pit bull/chiwawa"

    Joe, some breeds should just not mix!

  • MrMoe 2
    MrMoe 2

    5 cats mutts (inherited 3 with the dorks that moved in with me) - 1 dog (golden retriever/lab mix)

  • dottie

    Joe, how did you know this was my favourite topic??? I could talk about my kids all day!! (but I won't cuz some may find it boring!)

    I have 2 dogs as well. Cosmo(named after Kramer, cuz he'd enter a room like no other!) we adopted from the pound. He's a Black Lab cross. Crossed with what, we're not sure, but his hair's a bit longer than a Lab and his ears are shorter. He has amazing eyesight,(he springs at the TV when he sees dogs, cats, birds on) so, I'm thinking he's a mix of some sort of herding dog. He's 3 yrs old.

    Casey we picked her up at a farm. She is Lab. Kind of a Lab mix. He dad was a Chocolate Lab and her mom was a Black Lab. She is pure comical genius as she is the younger of the 2 and is going to be a puppy most of her life. She'll be 2 in Dec. Casey too, is afraid of most larger objects, especially ones that make noise, (vaccuum, lawnmower, garden hose) but she can assert her dominancy when she wants.

    In May, we were going to my sister in law's wedding, and we had to put them in a kennel for the first time. In the back where they would be let out to play, there were about 4 other dogs in this particular enclosing. Comso, went right in, to sniff the perimeter and other dogs, Casey would not leave my side. She was getting sniffed at by a friendly rotti who obviously wanted her to play. All of a sudden Casey lashed out at the rotti , basically telling him to leave her alone, the owner of the kennel(to whom the rotti belonged) says"well I guess we know who rules the roost now", just as he says this I look up and poor Cosmo's over in the corner getting humped by some burly shephard cross!! It was after this we finally knew who the alpha was in our house!!

    Sorry for the long post, (I could go on forever!) these guys are all the kids I want right now, and I'll still be happy if they're all I'll ever have.


  • HomebutHiding

    Sarge is definitely the smartest of the three, and the most sensitive. At the risk of anthropomorphizing, I swear he knows how I am feeling. He loves human companionship, and he loves to swim. You are right, you'd get a kick out of him. The other two can't help their breed, and they do not confine themselves to judgements and prejudices that accompany small breeds, like Poms. They are who they are, and are entirely lovable.

  • joeshmoe


    I could talk about my kids all day!! (but I won't cuz some may find it boring!


    So I don't get it. Is Casey the alpha just because she's tough? It sounds like Cosmo is just as brave, being willing to display his sexuality so loud and proud.


    The other two can't help their breed
    Yes, but I can't help stereotyping elitists (oops, did it again).
  • Xander

    We have three cats, and they DEFINATELY have their own personalities. My wife named them all, so don't rag me.

    'Fuify' is a black male. He is TERRIFIED of ANYONE. He doesn't even like me much. He's a real mommas-boy (he hangs around the wife everywhere she does). Not much of a meow - more of a chirping cough, really. He also WON'T eat soft cat food. No matter how hungry he is. Our other two love it, but fuify, nope, won't even touch it.

    'Hughes' is a solid grey female. She lost an eye shortly after birth and has a snaggle tooth on the same side, but she is just the cutest thing. She LOVES *EVERYONE*. She'll just walk right up to you and flop in your lap without so much as a by-your-leave. She also sleeps on your chest when you are napping and kneeds a LOT. If you let her keep kneeding whatever she's kneeding (your leg, your chin, your hair, etc) she starts purring LOUDLY and drooling. Kinda irritating, actually, cause she just won't stop. You push her away, she moves to another spot. She just never gets the hint. (They all have their front claws declawed, so this isn't as bad as it could be)

    'Cocoa' is the last. He is, well, he looks like 'a little spot of cocoa' which is how he got his name. He's got medium-length hair - the other two are from a different father and have short hair. He's like a person. Really. He get moody sometimes. Arrogant others. Sometimes fussy, sometimes not. He's about 14, which is old for cat, but can act up with the best of em. 2 weird things.

    1) He LOVES to try and get outside. EVERY TIME the door is cracked, he bolts for it. *BUT*, he HATES it outside. As soon as he gets out, he'll just sit on the stoop and start meowling. Of course, if you go out to pick him up, he runs around the house and start meowling in front of the OTHER door.

    2) He LOVES vegetables. Meat, too - like any cat. But, olives are like crack to him or something - he just goes NUTS whenever you have them around. He's almost as bad for corn on the cob, too. You should see him tearing into the husks. Lettuce, tomatoes, whatever. Weird.

    Edited by - Xander on 20 June 2002 14:18:44

  • dottie


    I've often said that if Cosmo were human, he'd be Elton John (not that there's anything wrong with that) I've never known a big dog to be so cuddly and such a suck. Before we got Casey, when he would eat his meals he would actually sit down halfway though, chew his food, look around, smack his lips a bit the commence eating once again. After we got Casey, he stopped this, with her being a typical Lab and eating everything in sight faster than a hoover. He often sits with his legs crossed, and doesnot like to go on wet grass. Casey on the other hand is much more butch than he'd ever dream of being. Is this what often happens when we get our kids "fixed"???


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