They are hardly ever accurate, as we are seeing thanks to Dr. Rodney Stark.
1) Watchtower lies through their teeth calling it Theocratic War Strategy
2) The value of contributions from former members of the group is TOTALLY underated at best and completely derided and ridiculed at worst.
3) These researchers do not spend anywhere near enough time looking over the group's written literature, not even the public stuff let alone the private stuff. Dr. Rodney Stark is totally busted on this, and I am not through with HIM yet either.
4) These researchers do not spend enough time with the group and its members ina way that could be expected to elicit honest responses. what I mean is, they go in and say, hey I'm studying you and will be reporting on you and then they expect these people to behave normally? One of the biggest problems in social research is studying the subjects in a way that doesn't contribute to change in the subject.
I stopped reading some of these studies becasue they are so obviously flawed. What would really be beneficial is the study or DOING A STUDY on jehovah's Witness. The very fact that these 'reserachers' could allegeldy spend 6 or more months with a group and not SEE the hate, misogeny, mind control, apocalyptics, child sacrificing just goes to reveal the REAL 'value' of these studies.
The only real way is to study with the JW's for six months as a prospective convert, go all the way through with baptism, keep a diary/log of what is said, and any feelings and emotions the researcher experiences (there will be plenty) . Jerome's posts represent a very good way to research Jehovah's Witnesses, he should give classes on this. (((Jerome))))
We need higher standards for these studies. And for the 'researchers'.