German TV Magazine Covers JW Child Abus

by GermanXJW 22 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • GermanXJW
    Uwe W. Herrmann, Speaker of Jehovah's Witnesses:
    "We, the Religious Community of Jehovah's Witnesses in Germany, don't know any cases here in Germany."

    A member at the German Infolink-forum says he personally knows Uwe W. Herrmann and knows for sure that he is lying.

    The solution could be that he mentions explicitly the "Religious Community of Jehovah's Witnesses" which is like the "Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses" different from the Watchtower Society.

    Herrmann is in the Society's legal department. Keep in mind that all instances of child abuse have to be reported to the legal department. And he states "they" don't know of any cases...

  • Simon

    Thanks GermanJW - it shows it's not just a US problem or just the US where it is getting the media attention. I've no doubt we'll see the media in other countries picking up on this and focusing on the wrongdoing in their branches too.

    That's the thing with cover-ups and corruption - it all comes out one day. This is the day.

  • GermanXJW

    The German branch has published a statement on its website similar to the statement from

    It is in Adobe-Format but they have prepared it that way that you can neither print it nor cut'n'paste it.

    That's strange for it makes it harder for a journalist to use.

  • GermanXJW


    I think due to vacations some may have missed that a very reputable German tv magazine reported about the JW policy on prime time.

  • GermanXJW

    This link is still working:

    Maybe it could be included to the media section despite it is in German?

    Edited by - GermanJW on 15 July 2002 15:40:22

  • FriendlyFellaAL

    Thanks for bringing this post back up. Things move so fast around here that I missed it the first time around.


  • outoftheorg

    Hello German.

    Thank you very much for your interesting post. Sorry you had to stay up so late, but what you did was important and we appreciate your efforts. Keep up the good work and we look forward to reading posts of yours in the future. Keep us informed of what is happening in germany. The whole world needs to know the facts.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    To get a text copy of a pdf file

    1. print the pdf file
    2. scan the file back into the computer and OCR it (covert to editable text.
    3. save as text file

    it is a bit of work but is fairly easy

  • GermanXJW

    Lady Lee, thankyou.

    But take a look at the pdf-File. It can't either be printed. You can just read it on your screen.

    I don't know what the WTS intended with it. But it seems to be a German phenomenon: the British and the US press releases can be printed and you can use cut'n'paste.

    But the German version is nothing new when you know the other releases on the topic.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    You know If you want something bad enough there's always a way

    1. Copy the file to your computer
    2. Open the file
    3. Click on PrtScn to copy the screen image to your clipboard
    4. Open an image editing program like Paint Shop Pro (Paint will probably do it too)
    5. Save this image

    Now what you will have in the imaging program is a picture of what was on your screen. It will cut off the bottom of the letter. Go back to the pdf file and scroll down the page until you have the next part of the letter. Repaet steps 3-5 until you have the whole letter.

    You can crop the image to get just the letter part. You can also add the right pieces together to get one whole page. Save the page images. Then

    Print the image.

    Scan the image back into your but use the OCR program to convert the image to a text file.

    If you can't get to this I will try it later tonight. You will need an OCR program that converts to German text (which I doubt I have but you never know).

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