demonized child

by finnrot 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • giantjason

    You guys want scary, go find and read "The Demonologist" by Ed and Lorraine Warren. This is true documented stories of real hauntings. Ed is the only demonologist in the world recognized by the catholic church. No he's not a catholic. I don't know if I believe in the Whole Ghosts and Demons thing or not but this book scared the hell out of me if you can read it by yourself late at night you have bigger cajones than I do.


  • RedhorseWoman

    I can remember all of the various warnings about demons. Yard sales were a prime demon hangout. You'd be surprised how many demons can be accommodated in one antique chair....and they would just wait there, for years maybe, sitting in some cold dark basement....just waiting for the errant JW to give them a new home.

    Then, of course, there was the Exorcist. I couldn't watch that movie for years because of the stories....and the book? No way, Jose, would I take the chance of having that demon-infested tome in my library. But the pull......of.......the.......demons.......finally won out. I saw the movie....gross in some spots....but nothing happened. THEN.....THEN.....I bought a used copy of the book at (double trouble....demon-infested, and USED, to boot!)

    It was a good book, but nowhere near as scary as some of Steven King's stuff. And nothing happened.

    I remember, too, all of the articles about demons in the publications. Usually, the problem was caused by some religious article--usually Catholic--like a picture of Jesus, or a rosary, or cross, or some religious book. The only way to solve the problem was to ferret out these evil icons and burn them. This burning was generally accomplished only through a liberal application of gasoline, since the demons would fight their destruction. Then, when the flames had finally taken hold, these articles would scream as they perished.

    Couldn't do Yoga, since meditation is part of it, and everyone knows (as pointed out by Mother) that emptying your mind through meditation allowed the demons instant access to possess you.

    Windchimes? Not a chance....they were spiritistic and acted like a calling card for any feral demons that were living out in the woods without a home.

    One should read ONLY Watchtower literature and listen only to Kingdom songs to be absolutely sure that one would remain demonfree....and fresh.

  • dissedsis

    OH my gosh!!!!! I am still terrified of demons..... I cannot watch a scary movie with out getting the feeling that demons are all around me. I know that I am just being silly.....but I think I welcome the demons now....

  • willy_think

    I guess the fact that, in the bible you will not find one demon ever entered anything but a living animal, would be considered or no importance to the WT.

    After all, There not bible based, there periodical based.

  • apple829

    This thread brought back so many memories...the exorcist, SMURFS , Bewitched. I was devastated when they announced from the platform that the Smurfs were demons and Witness children would do well not to watch.

    Btw,My mom did let me watch, though!

  • FriendlyFellaAL

    Scootergirl - I am also drawn to the paranormal. Anything I can find on the subject fascinates me. I'm sure it's because I was forbidden from 'touching the unclean thing' as a JW. Now, Buffy the Vampire Slayer is one of my favorite shows and I'm a Harry Potter freak. LOL! My Mother is sooo hesitant to look at my bookshelf when she visits.

    Lisa - You reminded me of something I hadn't thought of in years. When I was a teenager, a family member made my little sister one of those life-sized Raggedy Ann-esque dolls. It was so beautiful and looked professionally made. My sister fell in love with that doll and kept it in a place of pride in her bedroom for years...until one day my Mom was watching Hard Copy (Yeah, I Bewitched, but Hard Copy is fine!) and they showed a report about some museum of the supernatural somewhere in the middle of nowhere. They had a doll that looked exactly like my sister's. This one was in a locked case because it had allegedly killed several small children. That doll immediately went into my sister's closet and I haven't seen it since. LOL!


  • nita6368

    In our hall yard sales, consignment shops and used book stores were forbidden,but we did have a pioneer that went yardsaling out in service, everyone else would sit in the car...twisted...I guess becasue she was soooo spiritual demons never bothered her. Oh btw, I am having a yard sale tomorrow...

  • LDH

    LOL @ Brian.

    How gullible our parents are and were,no?


  • BeautifulGarbage

    You'd be surprised how many demons can be accommodated in one antique chair....and they would just wait there, for years maybe, sitting in some cold dark basement....just waiting for the errant JW to give them a new home.


    I about fell over laughing when I read that!



  • FriendlyFellaAL


    So, so true about our parents being gullible. Someone earlier also mentioned how yoga was a no-no as it involved meditation which would open our minds to the demons. Well, I threw that one out the window a few weeks ago when I started taking yoga classes. Told Mom about it and she absolutely freaked out!

    Shouldn't part of me not enjoy that so much?


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