Welcome Visitor!
by Fe2O3Girl 23 years ago 45 Replies latest 22 years ago jw experiences
Hi! I live in northwest England, I have been out of th bOrg for 8 years. Give me a wave, let me know I am not the only XJW in Britain! Cheers!
Hi Welcome to the board
We are in Manchester!!!!!
Have a look at this thread
You can probably tell I am Northern by the way I say th bOrg. Thanks for saying hello. There must be hundreds of XJW's in Britain..........
I have found out this week that Sirona and I knew each other years ago, when we were good publishers. What a nice surprise!
I have posted to the UK Map thread. Should I mail Simon and ask to be included?
No if you email Ballistic - he is the map creator
Helllllooooooo! And welcome!
A fellow Lancastrian I presume?
Welcome aboard!
Englishman in darkest Somerset.
Welcome, from sunny Leicester!
Thought this might help too...
District Overbeer of the "wishing it wasn't close to a 100 degrees here and I was there" class