hi jws......... is this true?........... was there a pedophile on the gov body?....... i heard that brother greenlees was removed from the gov body for that reason.............. then they made him a special pioneer elder and moved him to an unsuspecting new congregation.......... is it true?
by crawdad2 11 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Edited by - matty on 22 June 2002 16:33:26
nancee park
It is true. I repeated what Alan F said and I'll get his link and post it here. It's full of documentation.
nancee park
Here's Alan's link http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=5466&site=3 See for yourselves.
it's true. Imagine that. Hypocritical murderous Pharisees who bugger children providing "Spiritual Food at the Proper Time(tm)" and setting a fine example for all. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Dubs swim in a sewer of cover-up and corruption and the sooner they recognize it, the better. The fact that after Greenless was caught red-handed and not tossed out of Bethel on his pedophile ass speaks volumes about the caliber of men running the Watchtower religion.
Don't forget GB member Eward Chitty, too.
Edited by - matty on 22 June 2002 16:33:47
Nathan Natas
You may chose to reject the story if you like, and believe that the Brooklyn boy and his family are a fabrication, but then you are left with the FACT that the elderly and declining Greenlees was moved from his comfortable situation at Bethel to New Orleans. Are you willing to accept the unofficial WTS cover story circulated in New Orleans that he had fallen into bad company with Ray Franz & his bible reading friends but then showed appropriate repentance for his apostasy before the GB? If this is true, he's the only person who was shown such compassion.
hi matty,,,,,,,, .......gosh, what a neat trick!!!!........ confuse pedophilia with homosexuality........ and then side-step the whole main issue.......
Edited by - matty on 22 June 2002 16:34:12
are you saying it's true because you are out-numbered?, .....or, it's true because it actually is true?......... it sounds like you are saying it's not true, but you don't want to get beat up, so you will agree.