Congratulations, E-man!
I always, always, look forward to your posts! I simply marvel at how you come up with such interesting questions! I bet you were the best at drawing out the householder!
Have fun in the pub!
by Simon 23 Replies latest jw friends
Congratulations, E-man!
I always, always, look forward to your posts! I simply marvel at how you come up with such interesting questions! I bet you were the best at drawing out the householder!
Have fun in the pub!
Well damn. Not too long ago, I graduated from Jedi to Emporer and not a person here noticed. Not one. Not even a ripple. Not a wiggle. Not squeak. No farts. Nothing.
Perhaps I have received my message.
wowwwwwwwwww, three men in drag and a woman singing & swaying in harmony (60s style).
Can fantasy get any better? Not for the woman.
supremely waiting
Oh! Congratulations, Baby Love.
**************smooch**************** to 'swa!
Hey E-man,CONGRATULATIONS!!!You have contributed alot of interesting threads on this board,and you had a never ending beer.I miss that logo..LOL...OUTLAW
Edited by - OUTLAW on 22 June 2002 12:47:32
Oh Englishman of much wisdom,
I deeply admire you and love your sense of humor!
I graduated from Jedi to Emporer and not a person here noticed
Francois, I think I remember having a slight bout of indigestion around the time you became Jedi.
Perhaps readers of your posts were too blown away contemplating the contents to notice the comparative frivolity of you becoming a Jedi and now an Emperor.
Also remember, Simon and Eman's relatives probably fought together under King Harold in 1066...since then their offspring have tended to stick together somewhat.
Flip :)
Eman has been SUPREME for some time now.
Congratulations Eman;you CAN talk for England-it's official !
Gosh, is that like chicken supreme?
Reminds me of the famous Japanese kamikaze pilot, Mister Chow Mein, telling a group of children about his daring exploits during WW2.
One of the children remarked: ( ever notice how many quoted people in the WT, "remark"?), "Mr Chow Mein, I thought that kamikaze pilots gave their lives for their country during WW2, yet, here you are telling us stories about how you survived, how is that?"
To which, he replied:
"Ah, Bambino-san, you no unnerstand. Full name of this kamikaze pilot is Chicken Chow mein!!!"